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Having Agency

posted on August 15, 2024

What’s up UF!


I am sure that in the world of social media you see thousands of posts giving all sorts of advice. From how to properly do a back squat or deal with hard times in your life. An intricate explanation of what is needed to accomplish this idea usually follows. A ten part plan with a whole map of each step you need to take. However, the key missing piece that seems to always be left out is the simplest. Having the agency. 


Agency is defined as the ability to take control and action in your life. While this idea may be the simplest in theory it’s always the hardest. It’s easy to make an excuse and start when its convenient, or that life somehow always gets in the way. You can’t make the commitment to your goals because you’re too tired or something bad happened that threw your whole day into chaos. In those unexpected moments that’s when you have to double down and continue to be consistent. 


The only thing in life that stands between you and everything you’ve ever wanted to do, is doing it. So before you make that excuse, think about how every small step you take in the direction of what you want is perhaps no small step at all, but in fact the greatest journey of your life.  


To quote Marcus Aurelius: “You could be good today. But instead you choose tomorrow” 


That’s it, just start. 


Everything you’ve ever wanted will be in the palm of your hand before you know it.  


Dylan Heisey


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