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Alison Training Log: March

posted on March 29, 2019

Training Log: March

I love to joke during my training sessions that I can’t (code for: too lazy) do something because I just had a baby. It’s been 10 long months but in the grand scheme of body healing and altering body composition it’s really not that long. I tell all my clients, friends and anyone else that will listen that a woman gets a WHOLE year after giving birth to say, “I just had a baby”. In truth, it takes that long (sometimes even longer) to begin to feel like “yourself” again. Let’s be honest though, you’ll never really feel like the same person you were before you had a(nother) baby. If you asked me 10 months ago if that was a good or bad thing I would assuredly say it’s a terrible thing—there’s more skin sagging, stretch marks and a little (ok a LOT) of extra jiggling in places that previously never jiggled. But with a little training and a little hindsight, I’ve come to realize that I’ve only become stronger and more badass with each pregnancy and child.

Nearly 10 months postpartum means Archie is now nearly 10 months old—which for those without kids or those who blocked those sleepless nights from your memory banks that means he’s becoming ever increasingly crazy & adorably wild. There’s couch cruising, attempted dive bombs off the bed and the stuffing of every edible and inedible item in his mouth. It also means I’m only 2-ish months away from my goal of pumping breast milk for a year. Hormonally my body is still in milk-making drive not get strong AF drive. Yet despite that, I’ve still managed somehow to mentally feel strong AF even if my muscles haven’t quite caught up yet.

I wrote a blog back in September about some of my postpartum training frustrations, so I thought this would be as good a time as any for a little check in. These were my major setbacks/frustrations and what/how I’m currently doing in these departments:

Grossly under eating
I’m reeeeally trying to work on this knowing that my numbers are consistently coming in low. I’ve been concentrating on eating nutrient dense foods and beginning to relearn to appreciate the art of cooking.
Thinking I’m never doing enough
My TP (Training Partner) has played a huge role in helping me see things for how they really are. I was and am doing a-plenty. The last couple of months have been spent learning how to appreciate quality movements over quantity.
Expecting progress overnight
Hindsight is a beautiful thing, people. It’s given me the opportunity to see this postpartum period in a larger sense. I have made a ton of progress. I will continue to get better, stronger, faster, leaner. I am.
Weighing myself too often (and obsessing about the number) 
Now that I’m officially back at my pre-pregnancy weight it seems so silly to me that I fixated on my scale for so long even though I knew better. Hormones, stress and lack of sleep really do a number on your mental clarity sometimes.

Not sleeping enough
Unfortunately, not too much has changed in this department. Still chronically sleep deprived over here. SEND HELP.

Dogging (or plain avoiding) my cardio workouts
Well some things never change, I guess.


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