All posts by rnagy

Seasonal Fitness Tips

Tis the spooky season, fellow UF members! These upcoming months are going to get cold but also festive! Don’t fret and let the weather deter you from staying motivated and getting those workouts in. Here are some tips to help keep you going throughout these next few months: 


  • Get outside! Take some walks in nature and enjoy the slight chill in the air and the changing of the leaves. Go on a local hike or even travel somewhere to get a better view of the fall scenery. Maybe somewhere like a state park or a lake? 
  • Join a fall sport such as the classics – soccer and/or football. It is always fun to try something new and play a sport you enjoy. 


  • Embrace all of the indoor workouts! Maybe even try to pick up something new like indoor swimming or pickleball, basketball/volleyball too. 
  • Join or participate in a winter specific sport such as skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating. I might be biased but I love winter because that is prime hockey season. This might be a fun way to stay active. 
  • Stay motivated by setting goals for the upcoming New Year. 

General Tips 

  • Adjust your routine based on how you feel during each season. Listen to your body! 
  • Mix it up and incorporate a nice variety of activities to keep things interesting while training. 
  • Create seasonal fitness goals to keep yourself motivated and track all of your wins and progress. 


Stay fit my friends! 

– Toria 

Understanding Prilepin’s Chart; Your Strength Training Friend

In the world of strength training, knowing how to effectively structure your workouts can make all the difference. One tool that has gained attention among athletes and coaches is Prilepin’s Chart. Developed by Soviet weightlifting coach A.S. Prilepin, this chart offers valuable insights into optimizing training volume and intensity for various strength goals. We’ll explore what Prilepin’s Chart is and how you can utilize it to enhance your strength and conditioning program.
What is Prilepin’s Chart?
Prilepin’s Chart is a matrix that outlines the optimal number of repetitions and sets for strength training based on the percentage of your one-repetition maximum (1RM). It provides guidelines on how to balance intensity (the weight lifted) and volume (the total number of repetitions) to maximize strength gains while minimizing fatigue.
The Chart Breakdown
The chart categorizes lifting percentages into ranges:
  • 70-75% of 1RM: This range is ideal for building volume and technique. Recommended reps per set: 3-6, with a total of 18-30 reps.
  • 76-85% of 1RM: Focused on building strength. Recommended reps per set: 2-4, with a total of 10-20 reps.
  • 86-90% of 1RM: For peak strength development. Recommended reps per set: 1-2, with a total of 4-10 reps.
  • 91% and above: Used for maximal effort lifts, focusing on 1-3 repetitions.
How to Utilize Prilepin’s Chart in Your Training
1. Establish Your One-Repetition Maximum (1RM)
Before using Prilepin’s Chart, it’s essential to know your 1RM for the lifts you’ll be performing. This benchmark will help you identify the appropriate percentages to use in your training. Testing your 1RM should be done safely, ideally under the guidance of a coach.
2. Plan Your Training Cycle
Utilize Prilepin’s Chart to structure your training cycles. Here’s how to apply it:
  • Strength Cycle: Focus on 76-85% of your 1RM, performing 2-4 reps per set. Aim for a total of 10-20 reps across several sets. This range allows for strength gains without excessive fatigue.
  • Peaking Cycle: As you approach a competition or max effort day, shift to 86-90% of your 1RM with 1-2 reps per set. Limit total reps to 4-10 to avoid burnout and overtraining.
  • Volume Cycle: If your goal is to build muscle endurance or improve technique, work in the 70-75% range with 3-6 reps per set. Aim for a higher total rep count (18-30) over your session.
3. Monitor Your Fatigue Levels
Prilepin’s Chart is not just about numbers; it’s also about managing fatigue. Pay attention to how you feel during and after your workouts. If you find that your performance is dropping or you’re feeling excessively fatigued, it may be necessary to adjust your volume or intensity.
4. Incorporate Accessory Work
While Prilepin’s Chart focuses on primary lifts, don’t neglect accessory work. Exercises targeting muscle imbalances or weaknesses can enhance your main lifts and contribute to overall strength. Just be mindful of how these exercises fit into your total volume and fatigue management.
5. Adjust Based on Individual Needs
Every athlete is unique, and Prilepin’s Chart serves as a guideline rather than a strict rule. Be ready to modify your approach based on personal response, experience level, and recovery capacity. Listening to your body and making adjustments will lead to better long-term progress.
Prilepin’s Chart is a powerful tool for anyone serious about strength training. By providing a clear framework for balancing intensity and volume, it can help you achieve your strength goals more efficiently. Whether you’re a seasoned lifter or just starting, understanding and applying Prilepin’s Chart can elevate your training experience.
Remember, the key to success in strength and conditioning lies in consistency, proper technique, and listening to your body. Get Bumpy!
Please reach out with further questions about Pril’s chart or about training in general. I’m here to help and coach you up.

Classes at UF

Union Fitness offers so many unique memberships and add on opportunities, and today I wanted to take some time to highlight all our classes specifically! 


#Powerful: This is our staple class here at UF. It is a weightlifting class focused on main powerlifting moves such as the squat, bench, deadlift, and overhead press. Each day of the week highlights one of those listed main moves and includes some accessory and cardio work mixed in as well. The schedule is as follows: 

  • Monday 6am, 5+6pm – Bench Press 
  • Tuesday 6am, 5+6pm – Squat 
  • Wednesday 6am, 5+6pm – Overhead Press 
  • Thursday 6am, 5+6pm – Deadlift 
  • Friday 6am – Mobility mixed in with some extra strength training (programming on Friday’s are done by our in-house Doctor of Physical Therapy, Jared) 


Cardio Lab: This is a fun 45-minute-high intensity class. It includes the use of body weight exercises, medicine balls and fat bells/kettlebells as well as rowers, ski ergs, and Rogue assault bikes. The programming is switched up every day of the week due to the difference in instructors. This allows the classes to be a different challenge every day. The schedule is as follows: 

  • Monday 7am, 6pm 
  • Tuesday 7am, 12pm 
  • Wednesday 7am, 5pm 
  • Thursday 7am, 12pm 
  • Friday 7am 
  • Saturday 9:30am 


Blitz: This class is only 30 minutes total and mixes in some strength training as well as cardio, so you get a full solid workout in. This is a great class for those who work in the office and want to get a quick lift in. The schedule is as follows: 

  • Monday 12pm 
  • Wednesday 12pm 
  • Friday 12pm 


Mobility: This class is designed for those who want to feel better after their lifting sessions throughout the week. They use foam rollers, lacrosse balls, bands, and various body weight stretches. The schedule is as follows: 

  • Tuesday 6pm 
  • Thursday 6pm 


Yoga: Vinyasa: Vinyasa is a flowy style of yoga that connects breath to movement. Postures may be held for 3-5 breaths, and special attention is paid to the transitions between shapes. Flows range from slow and mindful to strong and powerful, with options for all skill levels along the way. The schedule is as follows: 

  • Wednesday 6pm 
  • Sunday 10:30am


Come and check out one of our classes! Whether you are already a current member, or a prospective member, the first class is always free!



Thank you Union Fitness

My first time coming into Union Fitness was when I was a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh. I had just joined the Pitt Powerlifting team and was coming off a bodybuilding prep for 2 separate shows. My goal at the time was to be the best as I could possibly be in powerlifting. In essence, I wanted to lift as much weight as I possibly could. While I was lifting at Union for the first time, I was enamored with the community and the overflowing amount of knowledge that this environment provided. Everyone from the coaches to the members were so strong but also willing to teach you what they knew. In that moment, I knew that I had to be at Union Fitness if I wanted to grow not only as a powerlifter but also as a person. Fast forward to 3 years later, I had the opportunity to intern at Union Fitness in the Spring of 2022 where I met Curt, CJ, Todd, Toria, Miranda, Ethan, and many others. Along with that, I also got an inside look of Union Fitness’s community outside of powerlifting. The relationships that I saw from our group classes, our clients, our athletes, and our members is what convinced me that I needed to work here.


Fast forward again another year later, Curtis had stepped down from his position and there was an opening for being the head personal trainer. This is what I had been waiting for and I was extremely excited to apply. Although I had a stiff competition with Maria and Dahveed, I was fortunate once again to be selected as the head personal trainer. I did not want to take this position lightly especially with how great my predecessor Curt was before me.


I did my best to be who I am as a person but also continuing to carry on the legacy and knowledge that Union Fitness has provided for me and so many others. Through all the ups and all the downs, I am forever grateful for this opportunity and experience that was given to me. I have put my two weeks in at Union Fitness and my official last day as the manager of personal training and services will be Saturday September 21st 2024. However, do not fret, I will be staying on part time and continuing to train clients and maybe teaching a class or two when I have the time!


I wanted to take the time to thank each person that I have interacted with during my time here. This goes from teaching powerful bright and early with the OG squad at 6am, teaching powerful at 5pm with the evening homies, teaching countless cardio labs with the dedicated yet psychotic few, all the personal training clients that have trusted me with their progress, and all the members who have made my time as enjoyable as possible. Lastly, I want to thank my coworkers for their trust in me and allowing me to be part of the team with them. I truly felt at home with these people.


Over the past few years, I have gained many new relationships that I hope I can keep for the rest of my life. I view you all as my friends and I care about each and everyone of you. Without a doubt, the community is the best part of Union Fitness and I will die on that hill.


Like I said earlier, I will still be here but in much more limited role. However, next Saturday September 21st I would love to get drinks with everyone that would like to come. We will meet right after the mock meet at approximately noon at federal galley. Please feel free to stop by if you would like!


Zain signing off

Meet the Interns – Meech



My name is Demetrius Butler but you may commonly hear me referred to as Meech. I am currently an intern here at Union Fitness as I am enrolled in undergrad at Chatham University as an Exercise Science major. I am a Pittsburgh native and a fan of all Pittsburgh sports teams (even through the tough years) and actually went to Ringgold High School, which is about 40 minutes south of the city. I was a 4-year varsity starter there in basketball and achieved my dream of playing college basketball.


During my time at Chatham, I completed 2 years with the team when I then decided to go a different direction. I obtained a coaching job with the South Park High School Boy’s Basketball Team and I have been an assistant with the program for coming up 3 years now. My love and passion for the game has brought me in this direction and now it is time to spread my knowledge with the younger generations. I have always liked fitness because it helped keep me in shape for the upcoming seasons, so now I figured I will learn as much as I can to stay in shape and healthy now that I am no longer playing.


Being here at Union Fitness will allow me to expand my skills so that I can help prep my future teams in the offseason while also helping them avoid injury during the season. I am looking forward to being here and helping out all of my new teammates!


Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me, if you have any questions feel free to ask!



Thank You, UF!

Hey everyone!


With my internship coming to an end this week I just wanted to write one more blog to share my experience at Union Fitness over the past 4 months. I have had so much fun interning at Union Fitness! Everyone has been so welcoming, and I have enjoyed getting to know the staff and members here. I have never been a part of a gym facility where everyone knows each other and is like a family, and I’m so glad I got to experience that here! 


 I have learned so much while being here. Being in Exercise Science classes for 4 years has taught me a lot, but I feel as though I learned the most while being at my internship because I was able to utilize the knowledge I have gained through classes. Throughout the past four months, I have been able to gain knowledge in all types of exercise fields including personal training, coaching group classes, shadowing Physical Therapy, and getting a glimpse of what it’s like to operate a gym. I will forever be thankful for this experience and the staff who have helped me grow and gain knowledge along the way! 


After leaving Union Fitness, I will be starting my new job as a Physical Therapy Aide for UPMC. I will be going back to school next year to gain my Doctorate in Physical Therapy (fingers crossed I get accepted to Nova Southeastern- Ft. Lauderdale!). Again, I had so much fun interning at Union, and it was great meeting you all this summer!! 



2nd Annual Misfit Market

Hello to all my Misfits, animal lovers and fitness fanatics! 


One of the greatest charity events in Pittsburgh is back and even bigger than last year. The 2nd Annual Misfit Market kicks off Sunday September 8th over at the immaculate Allegheny City Brewing from 12pm to 4pm with proceeds going to Heart of Glass Animal Rescue, Harmony Dog Rescue, Joey’s Paw Prosthetics and Orphans of the Storm Animal Shelter. Yup, 4 unique animal rescues will be there accepting monetary donations and extra items off of their rescue’s wish list. Also, there are 8 great local vendors, including the creator of the Misfit Market, Strong Stems, who will be raffling off baskets for the event.  


As is tradition, Union Fitness will be hosting a pre-event bootcamp in our Performance Lab 1 hour before the Misfit Market. Union Fitness’s Misfit Market Bootcamp will start at 11am and go until 12pm. The Bootcamp will include mobility, bodyweight exercises, strength movements and cardiovascular circuits. This bootcamp is open to all members and non-members at any fitness level. Our experienced coaches will tailor the bootcamp to your specific needs and fitness level. We will have the Rescue’s QR codes available for monetary donations and will be accepting donations off the rescue’s wish list.  


Donation Wish List: Blankets, wet dog food, cat food, litter, dog/cat treats & toys, dog collars, bleach and peanut butter.  


After the bootcamp, we will all head over to Allegheny City Brewing for the Misfit Market to raise a few pints,  help support local rescues and vendors and meet some adoptable dogs.  


Can’t wait to see you all at the bootcamp and the Misfit Market. Let’s get up and go help these great organizations.  




Shoutout to Our Staff

Hi UF Community! 


We all live different lives outside of our jobs, but it is important to establish and build a strong team in order to succeed in your workplace setting. I wanted to take a few minutes to shoutout and say thank you to every single one of our hard-working team members who are here at Union Fitness weekly. 


Allyssa – She has been a hard worker since the start. She immediately took on clients and hopped on the sub list for our classes and the front desk and has never stopped working hard. She is also doing all this while in Physical Therapy school, which makes it even more impressive. 


CJ – The wizard! He does it all here, whether it’s training almost all our University athletic teams, or several of his own clients, all while doing his management duties. He taught me all that I know when it comes to coaching group classes, and I’m forever thankful for that and for all he does to help keep UF in the best shape possible. 


Curtis – This guy is truly one of the greatest humans out there. Fun fact: He is the one who hired me on as a part-time contractor back in 2020. He always goes above and beyond for his clients and for UF. He still puts in his full 100% effort even while having a baby at home, which I sincerely respect and admire. I am happy to call him a very good friend of mine. 


Dahveed– I love the way he truly connects with both his clients and his athletes. He has a special way of interacting with them and making them feel like they are the most important people in the room. The amount of respect I have seen him gain from both his clients and athletes (and coaches, too) is highly commendable. 


Adeel – He has been a stellar addition to the UF Team. He never hesitates to step up when it’s needed and is a super friendly face for when anyone and everyone comes into the gym. We are glad to have you on the team! 


Eric – This guy showed up wearing an F45 hat, and we haven’t stopped messing with him about it. He has a great personality and has been able to fit himself right in with the UF crew. He’s already been crushing it with his own personal training clients and with subbing in for all our classes. 


Ethan – He is one of the best trainers I have had the pleasure of working with. I have the utmost respect for him and for how hard of a worker he is. Ethan also brightens up the room with his jokes and humor, which we all appreciate. He started a new trend called “Opera music Fridays,” which helps keep the good vibes rolling in the Strength Lab on Friday afternoons. 


Grayson – He is another one of our trainers who always puts a smile on everyone’s faces. He’s fun to mess with but will give you some attitude right back. You always need those people to help keep the environment light and fun, and Grayson is that person. 


Hannah – She is one of the newest hires here at UF, but she has also shown herself to be one of the hardest workers in the room. From the start, she was ready to take on some of her own classes and clients. Hannah teaches Powerful every Monday at 6pm and Cardio Lab every Saturday at 9:30am. If you are looking for a perfectly fun and upbeat class, Hannah is your girl! 


Hanson – He started as an intern last semester and has proven to be quite the “sponge” for information. He is always looking to learn and ask questions, which keeps him knowledgeable and ready to tackle the 6am Powerful class on Tuesday mornings. If you’re a morning person and are looking for a fun laugh while getting a great lift in, grab a coffee and check out his class! 


Jared – This dude is one of the smartest and strongest guys out there. He has been keeping the gym running by opening on M/W/F at 5am for several years now, and even teaches our Powerful classes at 6am on those mornings as well. He has also built his own Physical Therapy business (Function Reforged) and runs it right here out of Union Fitness. If you’re injured or even just looking to get your form right, he is your guy! 


Jen – She has been on the Front Desk team for quite some time now and has recently been promoted to be our Front Desk Supervisor! Jen has always crushed it when it comes to customer service and teamwork, and it really shows. She’s a friendly first face when you first walk into the gym and a great person to talk with about anything. We love having her on the team! 


Justin – Justin started working here last year as one of our Front Desk employees, and he has been a consistent gym member since way before then. He is always willing to help the team, and help the gym grow in any way that it can! We love seeing him train and get strong in the Strength Lab every week as well. 


Katie – Katie is always a super friendly and smiling face to see in the very dark hours of the morning. I don’t think I have ever seen her in a bad mood! She teaches Cardio Lab every Friday at 7am, so if you’re looking to get your butt kicked and start your weekend off right come and join her! 


Kyle – This kid is one of the smartest dudes I know. You could ask him any question about training, and he will most likely know the answer. On top of working here, he also works at Pitt with some of their athletic teams. He always works hard, and it definitely shows. 


Lauren – If you haven’t checked out a yoga class here at UF yet, you’re missing out! Lauren’s classes on Wednesday’s at 6pm and Sunday’s at 10:30am are always bumpin and she is awesome at what she does. She really cares about everyone that walks through the door and it shows. 


Mary – Mary came here while she was still in school and immediately picked up coaching our university teams and cardio lab classes. She has been working hard since she first started and has not stopped. We appreciate all of her help! 


Nick – Nick is another one of the newest hires here at UF and is one of the friendliest people I have ever met. He has been a great addition to our Front Desk team and has been willing to work hard ever since he started a few weeks ago. He is always willing to learn and wants to be sure he gets the job done right. 


Rachael – Rachael is one of the most thorough coaches I have ever met. I can honestly say she is one of the best. The way that she truly cares about all our members and cares about the growth of the gym is so much appreciated by all of us on the management team. She is one of the OG coaches who has been here since close to the opening of UF, so the fact she is still here is awesome. 


Roman – Roman may be quiet, but he is one of the nicest and friendliest employees we have. He has also been a long-time member here at Union, so it’s pretty cool to have him on the other side with us! 


Sara – Sara is a serious OG. She’s been here since the beginning of UF’s time! She holds down the desk on the weekends and is a consistent devoted class member. We love having our employees take our classes! 


Steph– Speaking of OG’s, Steph is also a serious OG. Her classes are one of the most popular ones here, only because everyone knows and loves her! Steph is always smiling and will always be sure to kick your butt! 


Ted – Not many people are willing to be awake before 5am, let alone come to open a gym at 5am. Ted has been great for the past few months he has been here. He’s been coming here for the past few years as a Chatham Lacrosse athlete, so his working here now is awesome. 


Vicki – Vicki came on board because her and Ted are coworkers at their other job, and both were members here. Another long-time member converted into a staff member. She is another quiet one, but super friendly. 😊 


Zain – I like to think of Zain as my little brother (not just because he reminds me of my actual 9-year-old brother), but because we treat each other like siblings. I love how he is always in a positive mood and is always making UF a better place. I have really enjoyed seeing him grow here at UF from back when he was just lifting here, to being an intern, to now being the Head Personal Trainer.  


Zoey – Zoey is from the same hometown as me, so that means we automatically have a cool connection. She’s also a Pitt grad, which we also have in common! She has been a great addition to the team, and I look forward to seeing her grow here at UF. 

An Introduction to Motor Unit Recruitment and Training Methods to Maximize Recruitment

First and foremost, before diving into motor unit recruitment and its importance in training, it is critical to define what a motor unit is. A motor unit is made up of two parts, one is the motor neuron and the other is the muscle fiber that it innervates. Often, one motor neuron will innervate a large number of muscle fibers, and each muscle will consist of many muscle fibers. Think of this as the link between the central nervous system and the muscular system. For a muscle to contract it needs to be stimulated by the motor neuron. These stimulations happen all throughout the day by the movements that we voluntarily, and sometimes involuntarily make. Any time a motor unit stimulates all the muscle fibers needed, it will contract in an all or nothing principle. Now it is time to talk about training. 


When we exercise, we are forcing our central nervous system to stimulate a given amount of motor units to create muscle contractions allowing us to accomplish a task. Depending on the intensity of the exercise, this will dictate which kind of muscle fibers and how many motor units are recruited. Everyone has heard of type I and type II muscle fibers, but if not, we will keep it simple and say type I get recruited easily at low intensities, while type II requires much higher intensity levels before they come into play. Even though we are only talking about two types of fibers there is an entire spectrum of fibers to fill in the gaps between type I and type II that share some characteristics of both. So, the amount motor units recruited to do a body weight squat compared to a 500 lb. squat for an equally trained person will be drastically different. It is safe to say one of these movements will be more intense than the other. It is through this reasoning that I think it is safe to say that for the purposes of this article we can define intensity as the amount of motor units recruited.  


So high intensity training, HIIT workouts high-intensity interval training… does this mean you are recruiting the maximum amount of motor units? Well, sometimes but that isn’t always the case for HIIT workouts. Those can be just from the buildup and/or poor clearance of lactic acid in the body which makes things hard but that can maybe be the topic of another blog post in the future. Let’s take a look at some basic principles of motor unit recruitment that the very smart Dr. Vladimir Zatsiorsky has come up with and then talk about intensity: 


  1. Recruitment order of the motor units goes from smallest to largest. 
  1. Only recruited motor units get a training effect. 
  1. Motor units that are recruited will experience fatigue.   


Now with this understood, you may think, “I need to recruit all the motor units of this muscle to get a training effect. I better lift as much weight as I physically can. I need to make sure the motor units fatigue”. Well, you aren’t totally wrong but is this only way? Is this this the best way for people just starting to workout or aren’t trying to set world records? The answer to this is no. There are other ways into maximal motor unit recruitment and let’s talk about those now.  


If we aren’t lifting maximally then obviously we are into submaximal training. For the sake of this post, we are going to omit training submaximal loads at high speeds for motor unit recruitment, which can again be for another post. So, let’s talk about the repeated effort method. This is what most people strive for in the gym 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps 5 set of 5 reps. The goal here is to reach maximal recruitment after the allotted number of sets and reps. Sure this works but I am going to bring up another rep scheme to accomplish maximal motor unit recruitment that may be a bit unfamiliar but equally and if not more effective than those just mentioned and that is 1 set of 20.  


This idea of 1 set of 20 comes from the mind of Dr. Yessis, if you don’t know who he is it’s not important for this, just know he has been in the world of sport science and training for a very long time and is highly respected. Anyways, this was something that at first I did not quite get, I was too caught up on things being heavy, force production, bar speed, etc. and really did not understand the essence of this method. It wasn’t till I got smarter and read Dr. Doug McGuff that I had this revelation of intensity and motor unit recruitment; then things became clearer. Don’t worry, we will get to McGuff shortly. Remember, we are talking about motor unit recruitment here not force production.  The goal of this training is to reach total failure of a movement by the 20th rep within a single set. This, however, differs a little bit from other rep schemes to failure, as this is better suited for a wider range of the population. Hitting failure on sets of 5 and even 8 can often be quite difficult for novice lifters who may give up and not know how to push through those hard reps to truly recruit those higher threshold motor units. With sets of 20, starting at a submaximal load will initiate motor unit recruitment for the low threshold motor units. As the reps increase, those lower threshold motor units will fatigue, forcing high threshold units to be recruited to complete the lift. When a maximal amount of motor units is reached and fatigued, around the 20th rep, the movement will no longer be able to be executed and only one set is needed for that movement.  


As I mentioned earlier, I didn’t totally understand the 1×20 method and actually thought it was a bit silly, but then I came across Dr. McGuff and his method of training. Then things began to make a bit more sense. The approach that Dr. McGuff takes to maximize motor unit recruitment is not based around a high number of repetitions to failure but by slow tempo repetitions, and I do mean slow. These sets can take anywhere from 90 seconds up to 2 and a half minutes to complete while only doing a few total reps. For example, a rep scheme using this method could be a 15 second concentric motion and 15 second eccentric motion therefore making each rep 30 seconds to complete. With 4 reps per set, you have truly put in quite a lot of work. Much like the 1×20 method the objective here is to hit total failure of the movement but the designated time of each set using submaximal weights. Once failure is reached it is time to move onto the next movement. One of the interesting things Dr. McGuff notes about these slow tempo reps is the depletion of muscle glycogen by the end of the set. This makes me wonder if the 1×20 is equally as effective as the depletion of glycogen stores as the slow tempos.  


Regardless of how you want to train, what your goals are and what you find enjoyable, one of the main things you should be working towards each time you train is to maximize the number of motor units recruited. I will not deny the benefits and results of training heavy weights with low reps or classic rep schemes like 5×5 or 3×8. What I do hope I have done is shed some light on some other ways to go about training that can accomplish similar levels of motor unit recruitment without the high loads of traditional methods.   




Having Agency

What’s up UF!


I am sure that in the world of social media you see thousands of posts giving all sorts of advice. From how to properly do a back squat or deal with hard times in your life. An intricate explanation of what is needed to accomplish this idea usually follows. A ten part plan with a whole map of each step you need to take. However, the key missing piece that seems to always be left out is the simplest. Having the agency. 


Agency is defined as the ability to take control and action in your life. While this idea may be the simplest in theory it’s always the hardest. It’s easy to make an excuse and start when its convenient, or that life somehow always gets in the way. You can’t make the commitment to your goals because you’re too tired or something bad happened that threw your whole day into chaos. In those unexpected moments that’s when you have to double down and continue to be consistent. 


The only thing in life that stands between you and everything you’ve ever wanted to do, is doing it. So before you make that excuse, think about how every small step you take in the direction of what you want is perhaps no small step at all, but in fact the greatest journey of your life.  


To quote Marcus Aurelius: “You could be good today. But instead you choose tomorrow” 


That’s it, just start. 


Everything you’ve ever wanted will be in the palm of your hand before you know it.  


Dylan Heisey