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Lindsey’s Training Log – December

posted on December 14, 2018

Earlier this week, one of our members approached me about feeling burned out and fighting with your body: how do you train through this?


Normally my answer would just be “DON’T,” but I think it’s more nuanced than that. Why are you burned out? Are you taking care of the basics: eating enough, sleeping enough, hydrating enough? Do you find some joy in training or even just being in the gym?


If the answer to those questions is yes (and in this case it was), I’d say yeah, get in the gym. This is where I find myself recently. My body isn’t being cooperative. In years past this would have left me a mess, because training and getting stronger was such a core part of my identity. At this point, I just accept it.


For me, the key is to make a point to get some movement in that 1. Appeals to me on that day, 2. Can be done in a timely fashion, and 3. Leaves me smiling by the end (like this, where I get my first headstand without landing on my butt finallllllly)



I still hate going into the gym with absolutely no plan, so with all this in mind, I put together a mini “burnout training template.” It’s not very specific on purpose – I just plug in whatever movements sound good on that day. I am sure to start off with something playful and fun – lately that’s been working on headstands and arm balances and stuff I’m picking up at yoga! And I end with something that gets my heart rate up and feels really good – some kind of short conditioning circuit or some time on the rower. I put time constraints on everything else. This means my rest periods are short, so the weights I’m using are relatively light, which gives my body a break for the heavier loads I might normally use. It also means I’m wasting less time. I’m still working on my olympic lifts, but taking a little breather until the new year by focusing on technique and super light weights. I can get this all done in just over an hour when I don’t get distracted by work!


Here’s that template. If you ever find yourself lacking motivation but still wanting to get some training in, something similar may work well for you.


Upper Focus Time Suggestions Notes
Warm-up Cardio, deep squats and hip openers, shoulder openers
Play 5 mins headstands, arm balances, hanging stuff, skillllllz
Oly Technique 10 mins jerk footwork, snatch balance, muscle snatch
Upper Horizontal Push, superset with: Bench variations, low rep start, high rep finish Choose a focus for the day:
Upper Horizontal Pull 10-15 mins seated row, bent over row Either horiz. or vert. group get barbell
Upper Vertical Push, superset with: Z-press, strict press, push-press opposite is high rep FB/DB work
Upper Vertical Pull 10-15 mins pull-ups or chin-ups/ pulldowns
Upper Accessories 15-20 mins chest + triceps or back and biceps (aim for 4 exercises of 3-4 sets each)
Conditioning Play 5-10 mins use weird implements – battle ropes, prowlers, d-balls
Lower Focus Time Suggestions Notes
Warm-up Cardio, deep squats and hip openers, shoulder openers
Play 5 mins pistols, jumps, lands, footwork
Oly Technique 10 mins clean/snatch pulls, high hang snatch, OHS
Squat 10 mins front or back or zercher Choose a focus for the day:
Pull 10-15 mins sumo (or chair) or conventional (or RDL) Either squat or pull heavy, light for other
Accessories 20-25 mins FB and bodyweight work (aim for 4-6 exercises of 3-4 sets each)
Conditioning Play 5-10 mins use weird implements – battle ropes, prowlers, d-balls


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