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Why Having a Personal Trainer Can Help You Reach Your Goals Faster

posted on August 11, 2017


The idea of hiring a personal trainer can be really off-putting to a lot of people. You might think of the Jillian Michaels-style personal training, constantly screaming in your face and telling you you’re “JUST NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH.” Fortunately, the personal trainers at Union Fitness don’t buy into that model of training. Whether you’re new to the gym, returning after taking a few months off, or a regular gym rat looking to get stronger and meet your goals faster, our personal trainers are here to help! Here are a few reasons why we think everyone would benefit from personal training:

1. Perfecting your form
Getting a knowledgeable form check is easily the best reason to invest in a personal trainer. It can be tempting to try teaching yourself how to deadlift using only Youtube videos and perseverance, but the truth is investing a little bit in proper coaching will pay off in dividends (aka you won’t be paying for physical therapy due to poor form later). Whether you’re looking to perfect your air squat, your bench press, or your snatch, we have trainers with the credentials and experience to help. Perfecting your form early, before you settle into bad habits, will set you up for success.


2. Working on stability and imbalances
Along the same lines, people often want to jump right into heavy lifting when they start out at the gym. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the best path to success. Repetitive movement patterns and poor posture can create strength and muscle imbalances that should be corrected before loading your movements. A good personal trainer will perform movement and postural assessments before starting any new program. You’ll work on imbalances and stability and some technique work on the big lifts before moving on to load them. Again, it’s all about setting you up for long term success.


3. Programming optimized for you
While there are tons of lifting programs available on the internet, they are, by nature, cookie-cutter programs. Hiring a personal trainer means you have an expert designing a program specifically tailored to your goals, strengths, and weaknesses. If you start a new bodybuilding program with lots of benching that you found online while trying to recover from a shoulder injury from your Rec softball league, things will likely go south quickly. A trainer will help strengthen your rotator cuff AND show you how to bench properly, so you decrease the risk of re injury.


4. Learning new movements
Sometimes you just get bored doing the same old things in the gym every day. That’s ok! Our personal trainers will give you some new ways to work your body, on top of using the big movements that are proven to work. Look for them to use lots of different implements: medicine balls, battle ropes, suspension trainers, and definitely the sleds and prowler. A personal training session can definitely give you some new inspiration in training!


5. Extra accountability
Last but not least, your personal trainer is a new accountability tool. It can help to have some “skin in the game,” like investing in an expert to help you reach your goals. Your trainer will put a lot of effort into creating your workout program, and in return expects you to give it your best effort. No, that doesn’t mean being perfect and getting everything right all the time. It DOES mean showing up on time and putting in the work.



You can check out info about our coaches on our website. Personal training at Union Fitness is currently priced at a steal: $50 per session for 5 sessions, $45 per session for 10 sessions, $40 per session for 20 sessions, or the best deal we have: $400 per month for 3 training sessions per week PLUS an included Fitness Center membership. That’s just $33 per session and includes your regular membership! Contact us for more information or to get set up for a free personal training consultation.


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