Category Archives: Life Health

Holiday Season Tips

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season is upon us and we here at UF are excited for the new year, while also celebrating an exciting end to 2021. Here are some tips (and some ways we can help), for a strong end to 2021, and stronger start to 2022.


  1. Bring someone to the gym for our free week. If you have anyone coming from out of town, bring them to the gym Dec 23-Dec 31st for a free week. Have a friend who doesn’t train, bring them over. This offer is for anyone who is not a member and they do not need a member with them. This is an open invite for all to come try UF for one week. This membership will be an unlimited membership so please help others discover the beauty of strength.
  2. Give yourself a break. Yes, holiday parties will involve cookies and libations. Just get back on it the next day. It’s OK to be human.
  3. Keep your sleep schedule. Sleep is one of the most important acts humans do. Through all the adaptation we have seen as humans, the body has never changed how much rest we need. So try to stay on point.
  4. Get ready for SPIN! We are adding spin back to UF. Starting in January we will be having spin classes as well as our normal cardiolab classes. So try something new here at UF.
  5. Drink more water. Before the cookie tray hit the water fountain. Water will help reduce our urges, as well as just generally making us better.
  6. Serve others. Servant leadership is very important, especially at this time of the year. Do some good out there, it will come back to you ten fold.


Thank you for reading my rants about how we can improve ourselves and others. Now let’s all go out there this holiday season and share the love.



Winter Fest and Bike Ride

This Sunday December 12, 2021 UF is participating in two awesome, and impactful events. One of our goals is to always be a good neighbor, while helping the local community. Keeping this in mind we want to invite everyone to these two events this weekend.


  1. Bike ride for Will. We are hosting a bike ride from UF to Highland Park, once a t Highland Park we will be honoring out friend Willy T with a memorial. If you wish to join is please be prepared to ride 10 miles to Highland Park and 10 back to UF. This ride is open to anyone we just ask that you sign up on our website. 
  2. The second event that we will be hosting on Dec. 12th is the Spring Hill Winter Festival.This is a local event with food, prices, family friendly events, and libations for the adults.  This event will be from 4-6PM at the WBU Event Space and Spring Hill Brewing. Click on the link for more info about this event.


Happy Holidays and thanks for being a member and friend of ours here at UF!

Soak Up the Sun with CeJ and Sky

Soak up the Sun my friends,


In these chillier times make sure you escape your dark caves and grab some fresh air and Sun for some great health benefits.


When your skin is exposed to sunlight it hits cholesterol in the skin cells to provide energy for the creation of Vitamin D. Sunshine is the best way to promote Vitamin D levels since there is so little in many of the foods we eat. All we need to boost these levels of Vitamin D is 10-30 minutes 3 days a week out in the sunlight.


Sunshine and Vitamin D promote; the reduction in Type 2 diabetes, promotion of insulin production, boosts immune system (sunlight charges our health battery), lowers blood pressure (vasodilation of our blood vessels that that reduces blood pressure). Sunshine also improves mood and battles depression by the production of serotonin, the happy hormone. Sunshine promotes weight loss, so let’s get those buns out in the sun. Vitamin D promotes better bone and muscle health with the absorption of calcium. Sunlight affects the pineal gland that produces melatonin to promote quality sleep and battle depression.


Quick story short, make sure you still go out and get some sun!


Stay bright my friends,



Ride for Willy T

A good friend of ours here at UF died recently in a bicycle accident. As active people, we all know that there is risk in everything that we do. We assume this risk because life is supposed to be an adventure. In the words of our friend, “Life is a journey, enjoy the ride” Willy T.


In honor of Will we are going to do a bicycle ride on December 12, 2021, at noon. We will ride from UF out to Highland Park and back. This ride will be a chance to get people outside, make drivers and cyclists aware of bike safety. We will also be giving a shirt to Will’s awesome widow Jessie.


If you are interested in joining us for this opportunity sign-ups will be on our website and MindBody. Please consider participating in honor of Will and Jessie. If anyone is interested in donating please donate to, Pittsburgh Literacy Program. 


Thanks again for being a member of UF and supportive of us, and each other. Now let’s ride, and honor a great guy and my favorite lawyer Willy T.

Superclass, Burn Your Turkey

We held our annual Thanksgiving Superclass again last week. First  and foremost THANK YOU. We had over 35 people attend, we raised a few hundred dollars for a needy family, and we had bags and bags of canned goods donated for the needy.


One of our goals here at UF is to create a place where the community can come together. Being a “gym” is easy, improving our community is the real work. We have hosted Superclasses at different times of the year for different purposes. Each of our Superclasses has been used as a fundraiser. We have worked with too many charities to mention.


The Superclasses are not just a feel good event. These classes are also an opportunity to burn some calories and do something different for yourself. Often UF is seen as a “powerlifting” gym. Yes, we have some great, and very stronger lifters, yet we take pride in being so much more. No matter what your reason for entering UF daily we are here to help you reach your goals. I have listed out some things that we do that you may not know about, and may interest you. Try something new and do something different for yourself.


  1. Yoga Classes. We have over 8 classes a week. Haley leads our Yoga and her team does an amazing job.
  2. CardioLab Classes. CardioLab is the ultimate kick your butt class. Whenever I take a class I just pray I don’t see Steph, as I know she will have too much positivity and enjoy destroying me with a big smile.
  3. Powerful is our flagship class. We offer 4 hours of powerful a day. Powerful is a lifting class that is based upon the power lifts. Curtis and CeJ do a great job planning these classes.
  4. Blitz. This is a lunchtime class (and it is free to all members). Blitz is a 30 minute lift/cardio session. I know some members use this as a recovery session between lifts.
  5. Multiple yearly outdoor events. We have hosted runs, bike rides, and outdoor classes. We will be announcing a very special December ride soon so keep your eyes peeled.
  6. Talk to one of us about your goals. No this is not a class, yet we are here for you. Our staff is here to help you. Use the people in here to help you in anyway we can.


This is just a short list of ways you can improve yourself here at UF. Our goal is to make the hour you spend in UF the best hour of your day. Now go do something to burn some calories.



Happy Thanksgiving

It is the most wonderful time of the year. It is the time to have the extra piece of pie and a glass of wine. It is OK to go out, have a little fun, live your life, and enjoy the time with family and friends.


What’s happening at UF this week?


  1. Check our hours. We are closing early on Wednesday (6 PM). Thursday we are only open for our SUPERCLASS, come burn your Turkey with us.
  2. Speaking of the Superclass, we will have the gym open Thur 10-11 AM for the Turkey Burn Class. If you have not been to a Superclass we will use the entire gym, and mix lifting as well as cardio.
  3. We are raising money for a special secret fundraiser. I know that this is not very helpful, but it’s a surprise for a family in need. Please feel free to bring a few bucks to help a needy family. We are also having a canned good drive for our local community.


This is a short list of happenings here at UF this week. Happy Thanksgiving and we are thankful for you trusting us with your health, fitness, and strength journey.



The Importance of Fundraising Classes: Special Guest Blog

When you think of fundraising classes the first goal that comes to mind is just that, raising funds. Most often these classes support a cause like a  nonprofit who is dedicated to making a difference. Other times the focus is an individual who for whatever reason is in need of support. 


In my experience I find these events often build something much deeper and even more impactful than just money. Often times we see strangers join together for the first time during these classes united to  increase awareness on the cause being supported. How can we spread the word? How can we get the message out? How can we use this as a platform to help others outside of the gym long after the workout ends. 


These types of classes build community and more often than not let others know they are not alone in their journey. For my class specifically it was my first time meeting the majority of the guests who showed up to support. The idea that someone who I had never met before took time out of their life to come support my family and a cause we hold so close left me inspired. Inspired to be better. Inspired to do better. I walked away from our event encouraged to show up for others the way my community showed up for me. The commitment to be that person there for someone when they need me the most. The same way each person who walked through the gym door of my December superclass stood by me when I needed them the most. 


In May I will be running the Pittsburgh Marathon representing those impacted by brain tumors. Specifically glioblastoma. Please stay tuned for updates and future posts on how you can help support our May marathon event and other future fundraising initiatives. 

WRPF Nationals

This Saturday I will be stepping back on the platform in Las Vegas Nevada to compete in the WRPF Nationals. This will be my sixteenth meet since I began competing in Powerlifting in 2013, and my first since having my biceps reattached just six months ago. By the way, it’s still Todd and CJ’s fault, but we will save that story for another day. 


I signed up for this meet 2 weeks prior to my injury. I was coming off of achieving my first 2000 pound total in competition and was very confident that I was ready for more. I set my goals and developed a plan. Then, POP. I wasn’t mad, and I wasn’t sad. I just was. When I signed up to compete in this sport, I accepted the fact that there was a chance that something like this would happen. So when it happened, I almost felt as though I was already prepared. Instead of dwelling on it, I began to plan how I would overcome this temporary obstacle. Don’t get me wrong, there were many bad days. Some of the lowest days I’ve ever experienced, but I knew that this was only temporary, and that a positive mindset would keep me moving forward.


Once I had my surgery, I knew there was a chance that I wouldn’t be ready in time to compete in the meet I had signed up for. However, I told myself and my wife that I was going to do my absolute best to try and get back on the platform. Growing up, my dad taught me that if I said I was going to do something, that I better damn well do it. I gave my commitment, and I knew I needed to do everything possible to see it though, whatever the outcome might be. So, I sought out the best Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Doctors, and Coaches available to help me along the way. They told me what to do, and I did it. Every day and every night. Even during times that I felt like quitting, I remembered my word, and what I was taught.


Over these past 6 months, through the ups and downs, I can say that I have fallen back in love with training, and have been fortunate enough to rediscover the reason I started this journey in the first place. I now have a greater appreciation for every set, rep, and training session that I’m able to do, because I’ve learned that in a split second it can all be taken from you. Maybe it’s unfortunate that it took this injury for me to realize this, but I’m glad it happened regardless. Every injury, setback, accomplishment, and learning opportunity I’ve ever had has given me a chance to give back to the sport and profession that has given me so much. Because of this, I am able to pass on these things to those who find passion in their own journey just as I have.


Although the sport of powerlifting is an individual sport that is measured by how much weight you can lift, for me, it has always meant so much more. I know that every person I’ve met along the way and every obstacle I’ve faced are a huge reason why I’m where I am today and able to do what I love. For that, I am forever grateful.


Curtis Miller 

Massage with Malik

My name is Malik J. Abrams, licensed massage therapist. I was born and raised here in Pittsburgh, specifically Homewood-Point Breeze area. Since having graduated from Pittsburgh Career Institute in 2018, I have been working alongside chiropractors, personal trainers, and fitness experts, undertaking studies, and honing my practice.


I pride myself in working with as many kinds of people as possible. In this goal, I have done bodywork sessions with servers and line cooks, new and old mothers, trade professionals,  and civil laborers, desk workers, and musicians, athletes of all kinds: weight trainers, soccer, tennis, football, and baseball players, yoga instructors, cyclists, and runners.


Though I’ve enjoyed all of my experiences in providing therapy and bodywork, I feel most fulfilled working with athletes. I am able to exercise my problem solving skills to improve my clients performance, be it gait, posture or their sport of choice.

After graduating high school, I went straight to college and it did not serve me, so I left and started working. I hosted and bussed restaurants, walked dogs, rolled burritos, folded clothes. I got into massage therapy after bouncing around many jobs that I didn’t truly enjoy:  Once I found the Institute, I could finally foster a positive secondary educational experience and focus my career endeavors. Through school and private study, studying anatomy and the interactions of the bodily systems became the cheat code, of sorts, to my own health, fitness, and healing.
I am here to help, and have the skills and drive to do just that.

‘To be anyone else but the happiest version of yourself is a waste.’


Not Goodbye, See You Later

The saying goes, “All good things must come to an end,” and my time at Union Fitness has come to an end.  I will forever be grateful for my time here.  The thing I am going to miss most is the people.  It is very rare to find a place to work where your coworkers can feel more like family than friends.  I started here June of 2020, but it feels like I’ve been here for years.  I believe it feels that way because of the relationships I built not only with staff but our members as well.  Whenever people would ask me where I worked I would tell them Union Fitness, and say it’s the best gym in Pittsburgh, and not just because I worked there.  Union Fitness isn’t the best gym in Pittsburgh because it has the best facilities or equipment or new vending machines.  Union Fitness is the best gym in Pittsburgh because we have the best people, staff and members alike.


I want to thank everyone who I had the chance to work with.  Pittsburgh and Union Fitness will always be a special place for me.  You can guarantee I will be stopping by to visit in the future.  My last class will be Friday, November 11th, at 5pm.  I am going to assist Miranda with #powerful class and then anyone who would like to meet at Federal Galley I’d love to see you there sometime after 6pm.