June Meal of the Week- Alison’s 500 calorie lunch prep
posted on June 12, 2019
Meal of the Week
Alison Yee
This weekend I meal prepped 30 meals for my sister, brother in law and myself in under an hour. My weekends tend to be fairly busy but I prioritize meal prepping because I know how much I fall apart during the week without taking the time to plan ahead. I remotely coach and program for my siblings and decided to meal prep for them as well because, honestly, I was sick of their bitching. The constant choir of “Why am I not losing body fat?!?” and the “I swear I’m doing everything right!” was so irritating in the way that only family members can irritate that I had no choice left but to take over their kitchens.
This week’s lunch is:
Protein: 37.9g Carbs: 35.2g Fat: 25.0g Calories 518
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