To my most excellent Dudettes & Dudes,
Week 1 of our 12 week meet prep adventure is in the books! Believe it our not, Skylyn only wanted to strike me once or thrice while I was wrapping her knees for our first go around in knee wraps. Let me tell you, the first time in wraps were a doozy and we didn’t even crank up the tension yet. Think of knee wraps like long elastic fabric that cover the knee and lower quad. Once you learn how to use knee wraps, they magically add pounds to your squad, that is if you are ready to embrace the numbness in your toes. Since we have both never trained in wraps, every squat session we will be wearing knee wraps. The first few weeks we will be working in the 65%-75% range for 4-5 sets of 5 just to feel squatting in wraps and learning how to use them properly. We’ll post a video of how to wrap knees and squat in them coming soon. Then you can hear us squeal and curse at each other.
We laid out our blueprint for our first 4 weeks and we will be training 4x a week, staying pretty specific to the main lifts (squat, bench & deads).
Below is what our 4 days will look like:
Squat Day vs Wrap
Duffalo Squats 4-5×5 for Rpe 8
SSB Eccentric Squats 4-5×3 (5Down)
Leg Press 3-4×10
Elevated Reverse Lunge 3-4×10-12e
Ham GHR/Back Ext 4-5×12-15
HLR 4-5x
1st Bench Day
Duffalo Bench Press Work Up to RPE 8 x1
Duffalo Bench Back Downs at 85% 4-5×3 Paused
Duffalo Spoto Bench Press 3-4×6-8+
DB Incline Bench 2×20
Barbell Skull Crusher 4-5x 8-10
Chest Sup Tbar 4-5x 10-12
Facepull/PullApt/Rear Delt 3-4×15-20
Deadlift Day
Speed Box Squats SSBvs 3chain 6×3 RPE 6/7
Block Pull vs 4Chains 4-5×2 70%-80%
Snatch Grip RDL 3-4×6-8
BB Row or TBar Row 4×8-10
GHR/Leg Curl 4-5×12-15
Abs Rollout 4-5
2nd Bench Day
Floor Press w Football Bar vs 2chain 6×3 @ RPE 6/7
Close Grip Incline 3-4×6-8
Weighted Dips 4×10-12
Weighted NG Pull-Ups 4×10
DB/KB Tri Extensions 4-5×12-15
Front-Side-Rear 3×8-10e
So far we are moving and grooving weight pretty well, dumping down some coffee and giving it hell with all our training sessions! We are working to keep our rest periods shorter and complete all our sessions in around an hour and a half. Let’s enjoy the ride and see where in the world we end up! If you have any questions, please let us know.