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Need a little inspiration to help you get through the weekend without skipping your workout? Follow these fitness influencers to stay on track.
You’ve probably heard her name, and you’ve probably seen her Instagram. Kayla Itsines is one of the most influential fitness instagramer you can follow for motivation. She was originally known for her Bikini Body Guide that soon became and international sensation, but has recently developed an app that includes different fitness programs for only $15 a month. Her Instagram is full of before and after success stories that will motivate and encourage you during your fitness journey.
Emily Sky is a soon to be mom that has built her follower base by posting workout videos on her Instagram page. Before being pregnant, she focused on encouraging different people with different fitness levels to partake in her easy but effective workouts. Now, you can find her posting about her pregnancy and how she has modified her routine to adjust to this period about her life. Follow her for journey you don’t want to miss.
Gains, gains and more gains. That is the perfect way to describe Martyn’s Instagram. If you are looking to bulk up, he is your guy. You will find his page full of videos of him lifting insane amounts of weight and consuming insane amounts of food to fuel his body. He is the perfect roll model to show that anything is possible even if your body was never “built for that.”
Previously known for her CrossFit skills and now recognized as one of Rebook’s spokesperson, Hannah Eden’s account is perfect to follow if you need new exercises to add to your routine. She is known for her energetic personality that motivates every one of her clients. Starting with her own gym, she has now developed a monthly subscription that emails you workouts six days a week for only $30 a month. This subscription includes being added to her private Facebook group where she posts advice and starts live videos to answer her client’s questions. If you are looking for a quick fix this summer, following her is your best bet.
Listed one of Forbes fitness entrepreneurs, Simon Panda started out with his own fitness blog and then became an Instagram sensation. He has earned Muslcemania pro status, but his account is full of pictures about his own sportswear line and his adventures in the gym.
After looking through these accounts there’s no way you won’t get motivated.
Our weekend hours for summer are Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.