Last weekend we were able to host Northside’s Strongest Bench Press, Deadlift Competition. For some background about this event, last year we were asked to host another full meet. If we had agreed to this we would have hosted 3 full meets per year. We had a few talks about how adding another meet would add into our goals and vision for UF. We decided that two fulls sanctioned meets was enough. We also knew it was important to host a smaller push pull meet. The goal was for our members to be able to compete, as well as allow outsiders in and have some fun with us. I do believe we accomplished our goals.
Hosting a meet isn’t all fun and games and we need a ton of help to set this up. Our members are amazing and always helpful with this. Two people I have to thank to start off is Max for feeding our staff while they were here working and Dave for doing such an amazing job with the shirts. The staff of UF were amazing and worked their butts off to give everyone a great experience. Without everyone stepping up and helping out an event like this could not happen. So THANK YOU.
Now for the meet.
The lifting went great. One of the coolest parts was the fact that we had 51% female lifters in the meet. We saw many people hit PR’s and tons of lessons learned. For me one of the coolest parts is when someone fails and then says to me, I know what I did wrong. The lessons the iron teaches you are never ending. Some of the highlights of the lifting are as follows,
Tim coming back from passing out to hit his next two deadlifts.
Kelsey just being Kelsey and smashing weight.
Ava and her infectious attitude.
CeJ on the mic.
There are so many more to thank and I want to make sure each and everyone know that we appreciate you, and couldn’t do this without you.