Category Archives: Training

“Sun’s Out Guns Out”

With the warm weather basically already here, I’m going to share with you my favorite “sun’s out guns out” training session!

1 1/2 Close grip bench press:

Set yourself up how you would do on a regular bench press but in this instance you’re going to place your hands close to the smooth part of the bar. Now you don’t want to have your hand very close because you’ll lose force output and it’s going to create unnecessary discomfort within your wrist. Once you’re all set up, you’ll go down all the way, come back up 1/2 way, come back down then come up all the way, that will be one rep for a total of 6 reps.


Spider Curls:

For this you’ll bring a bench up to an incline, you’ll put your chest on the bench with your arms dangling the side of the bench. From that chest supported position, you’ll curl your arms up and turn your wrist out as you curl then bring them down for total of 12 reps


Lateral raise super set:

Many of you have probably done this movement but this time you’ll do 1/2 lateral raise for 10 reps, then full lateral raise for 10 reps, and finally raise the weight to the top and you’ll do pulses for 10 reps. Make sure you take a little bit of a break after each set because these are a burner.


Rear Delt super set:

On this movement you’ll hinge at your hip, and with your palms facing your body you’ll raise the weight to the side then control on the way down do this for 15 reps. After that, you’ll grab a band raise it to chest

level and you’ll pull the band part like you want to rip it apart, do this for 30 reps.


Hanging Leg raises:

You have probably done this movement before but for this one you’ll hang on pull up bar like normally do for this movement and raise your legs for legs for as many reps as you can then on the last rep you’ll hold legs at the top for as long as you can.


For sets make them 3-4 sets, turn the burners on and let’s cookin!!!


-Dahveed Jorge

Push/Pull Meet Commands and Rules

Hello everyone! We have our annual Push/Pull meet approaching on April 23rd at 10am. Here are the rules if you are unfamiliar with how a meet is typically ran.


Bench Press Rules-

  1. Feet must remain in contact with the floor during the bench press.
  2. Butt must remain on the bench during the bench press.
  3. Lifter will receive 3 commands. The first command will be the “start” command where the lifter will start the descent of the lift and pause on their chest to wait for the 2nd Then the lifter will receive the 2ndcommand of “press” where the lifter will then press the weight off their chest and lockout their elbows. Lastly, the lifter will receive their 3rd command of “rack” where the lifter will then rack the weight back into the bench hooks.


Deadlift Rules-

  1. Lifter will assume deadlift position of conventional or sumo.
  2. Lifter will then lift the weight off the floor until they lock their knees at the top with their shoulders back. The lifter will then receive the “down” command where the lifter will then lower the weight back to the floor safely.

After each lift is done, 3 referees will give you a good lift or a bad lift. A bad lift will signify the color red and a good lift will signify the color white. If the lifter receives 2/3 good lifts from the referees then the lifter has a good lift and the weight will count towards their total. A lifter will receive a bad lift if they do not follow any of the rules stated above or does not complete the lift.


We hope to see you all there!


Team UF

Spice Up Your Training

I’ve recently been brainstorming new ways to keep my time in the gym and my training interesting. One of my current goals is to improve my exercise capacity (the maximum amount of physical exertion that a person can sustain) and be able to train harder and longer without quickly fatiguing. So, I’ve personally been thinking of ways to do this without becoming instantly bored. However, these are some generic ways that can also be applied to other goals and might even relate to your own personal goals:


  • Add variations to your typical routine – change up your resistance by substituting exercises using kettlebells, medicine balls, your own body weight, etc. Other variations might include increasing the number of sets and reps that you do, decreasing rest times in between sets, using paused or faster reps, etc. Check out a HIIT session a few times a week just to see what it’s like. Trying to do at least one thing different is a good way to start and maybe find a new exercise variation you enjoy.


  • Find a group fitness class to help inspire you to get to the gym and start moving. Sometimes training on your own just isn’t enough. Having that strong and supportive community is such a great way to increase motivation to come to the gym instead of dreading it. Check out one of our awesome group fitness classes here at UF. The first class is always on us, and we know you’ll love it! If classes aren’t your thing, finding a training partner and someone to help hold you accountable would also be beneficial.


  • Compete with yourself. Try to get to the gym one more day than you did last week. Hit that lift that didn’t feel so great last week and challenge yourself to make it better. Maybe spend a little extra time warming up/cooling down or add a little bit of cardio to your session.


  • Create a brand-new playlist. I was talking with April recently about what type of music that we listen to when we train, and the topic of becoming bored with listening to the same songs came up. Step away from your typical music taste and check out some new genres. It may take some time but creating a new playlist might get you hyped up for your next workout and help to keep it interesting.


  • Go outdoors and take a hike, find, and climb some stairs, ride a bike or anything that might get your heart rate up and endorphins running.


Please let me know if you have any other ideas to add to the list, or if you get to try any of them out! I am always looking for ways to stay motivated and have fun while in the gym.



How You Can Support Women’s Sports

In honor of Women’s Month, I thought I would give you all some ways you can actively support women’s sports. One of the most important ways is to actively work on changing the conversation. This includes thinking about how we speak on the world of sports with others. For example, with it being March Madness time, when somebody asks you about your bracket just by saying “men’s or women’s bracket?” we can change the conversation and build awareness. Here is the link to fill out your own bracket for the Women’s NCAA tournament, 2023 Division I Women’s Basketball Official Bracket | .


Another very easy way we can support is by sharing posts on social media. Instagram and Twitter are a great way to market. Just by sharing a female athlete’s post, game schedule, or highlight reel, you can help them reach an even larger audience. Using your platform to openly support women’s sports can make a much bigger difference than you may think.


Another active way you can support women’s sports is by attending games or watching them on tv. Look up your local women’s sports team schedules at all levels, you may have a professional women’s team in your city and never have realized it! There is also a TV network called Women’s Sports Network. The Women’s Sports Network is a free, ad-supported, 24/7 streaming destination available on Amazon Freevee, FuboTV, LG Channels on LG Smart TVs, Local Now, Plex,, Tubi and Xumo that spotlight women’s sports content. To find out more visit The Wait is Over, The Women’s Sports Network Has Arrived ( .


You can also volunteer as a coach for teams like girls flag football at your local school, volunteer as a line judge for volleyball tournaments, or even help set up for their home sporting events. A good resource to find these opportunities can be found at Get Involved with SportsPITTSBURGH – Visit Pittsburgh. Or reach out to your local schools to see where you can be of help. One of the biggest ways you can help out women’s sports is also by supporting their fundraisers, or becoming a sponsor, whether it is you personally or if you are a business owner. This can benefit both parties, it is a great marketing opportunity for the sponsors and can help fund a women’s sports team’s travel and other expenses.


If you ever have any questions about how you can get more involved and support women in sports, feel free to ask me the next time you see me at Union Fitness!



Rep Ranges, Do They Matter?

No matter what your goal is when you enter the gym you will always have to decide what rep range to train at. Today I want to spend a few minutes giving you an overview of rep ranges, and why they matter. A small disclaimer here is important, I will not really delve into every possible variable in training. We could spend hours reviewing rep speed, isometrics, and timed sets. Today’s goal will be to give you a basic overview of reps and why different rep ranges are important.


High Reps 15-25. 


In the realm of strength training this would be a high rep set. I have done sets of over 100 yet that is not the norm and generally 15-25 would be the highest one needs to train. I will give you a short list of pros and cons.



Increase mydocondrial density. The mydocondria (as you may remember from HS science class) is the powerhouse of the cell. When we get stronger and add to the size of muscle fiber we reduce mydocondrial density. In order to increase mydocondria we must train in higher rep ranges.

Increased vascularization of the muscle. We want more blood pumped into the tissue so adding blood vessels is an easy way to do accomplish this. Adding more reps will add more arterials to the muscle you are training.

Less stress on the joint. Due to the lighter load that you must use during high rep training the stress on the joints will be less.

Great Pump. Everyone loves a great pump



Limited strength gains. High rep training will not increase strength in a significant way over the long haul.

Adds fatigue with little benefit. When doing high rep work the first 10-15 reps will add stress without adding much else to the training session. You must be careful when using this style of training that you don’t overuse certain joints.

Hard to recover from this training. Depending on the movement high rep work can take a long time to recover from. If you are squatting or deadlifting and using high reps you will have to take many days to recover before returning to this movement. I’d generally recommend use high reps for smaller movements.


Mid Range Reps 8-12


Pick up any bodybuilding magazine and you will see a ton of work done using these reps. 3X10 is always popular.




Load is heavy enough to make some strength gains. Weight can be 60-80% of your 1 rep max. With this load and rep range you can absolutely increase overall strength.


Easier to recover from than high rep training. Due to less reps the overall stress can be less.


Easier to get more sets in. You could do 3-6 sets and build more volume with this rep range than with the higher rep ranges.




Still not heavy enough to be very specific for absolute strength work.


Not mentally challenging enough. Over the years I have met a ton of people that live in this rep range and are afraid to go for the heavy sets. Lower reps will add a little fear to your life and this can be a very good thing in training and in life.



Lower rep ranges 1-5.


This is the the rep range that you should earn in your training. What I mean by that is in order to do 1-5 reps per set you must prepare yourself by doing the work that leads you to heavy sets.




Low rep and heavy load training will increase strength. The body will only adapt to the stress you place upon it. If you wish to be stronger you must do some low rep work.


Low rep training will teach you to brace. I’ve heard all the fancy words and phrases thrown around with no context. Brace, engage your core, tighten up, and many more. If you want to learn to brace unrack a heavy weight and you’ll begin to understand all of this.


Low rep training is a challenge. Overcome fear and hit a weight you have never attempted before.




Stress! If you go the well too often you will either not make progress or get injured. Low rep training is hard on the body so shouldn’t be used more than once a month.


Low rep training is very specific to the movement. This means that some exercises are not made for low rep training. Large multi-joint movements are best, while uni-lateral, and isolation exercises don’t work well with lower rep ranges.


Chance of acute injury can increase in low rep training. Due to the extreme loads used during this style of training one must be careful. Use competent spotters (UF has a ton of these so ask), be mentally engaged with the lift, and don’t push too far beyond your current limits.


There it is a basic overview of rep ranges. Now I am going to challenge you in your own training. Do something different! It does not matter what you do different, just do something different. If you have been stuck with your 3X10 workout, try 5×5. If you have been doing singles, go for 4X8. Whatever change you make ride it out for a few weeks.





CJ’s Funky 6

Hiya, my mobile muscle members,


As most of you already know and some will come to find out, I like to have fun with exercise, as a wise coach said, explore the corners. With this being said, I certainly have my own lingo, style and reasons for keeping exercise fresh and fun. Today I give to you my Funky 6 (pick-up sticks) most recent exercises that I have been exploring. These exercises give the user a huge bang for their buck. I say this because these exercises combine mobility, stability, coordination, balance, strength, endurance, brace, proprioception and more into an exercise.



Squat to Stretch with T-Spine Rotation Holding Light Band



How to: This classic with a twist will have you feeling good from your head to your toes. Heating up your calves, hamstrings, glutes, low back, t-spine, midsection and rear delts. You don’t need a micro-mini band but this addition will help strengthen your rear delts. Start in a standing position with your feet hip width apart. With a slight bend in the knee, reach down to your feet (with the band in your hands) from there pull your butt down, pick your chest up and position your elbows inside your knees with your feel flat to the ground (deep squat). Keep one hand down while the other rotates to the sky, switch then drop your head and raise your butt to the sky. You’ll feel a stretch from your calves to your back.



Loop Band March with Single Arm Overhead KB Hold



How to: You’ll need a small hip circle or loop band for your feet to do the marches, along with a kettlebell or weight to hold overhead in a shoulder press position. This exercise will get you sturdy from the floor and up to the sky. With the loop band on the arch of your shoe and around your shoe laces, press the kettlebell over your head and stabilize. Pressing the weight overhead will raise your center of gravity and for you to engage your midsection brace more. While you are marching you are strengthening and stabilizing at the ankles, knees, hips, midsection and shoulders. Talk about a hole in one.



Mini Band Hourglass Walks



How to: We work front & back all the time, let’s give side to side movement some love with this exercise. By working laterally we will be challenging our coordination, proprioception and working lesser used movement patterns. Take a mini band and step your feet shoulder width apart on the bottom of the band. With your hands make the band cross into an X and press overhead. You are working overhead stability, single leg strength and improving commonly weak muscles, those glutes. This one may look easy but it is a doozy.




Glider Knee Over Toe Split Squat with T-Spine Open the Book



How to: You’ll step yourself into a balanced split squat position. You can decide to elevate your front foot with a rubber mat or flat weight plate or keep both feet level on the ground. From here start to glide your knee forward, pushing your knee over your toes while keeping that front heel stapled to the ground. When you reach this position take the same arm of the knee that is forward, reach and hold that foot while the opposite arm (away from the knee) rotates and reaches open to the sky. Bring the top hand back down and now glide back into your starting split squat position. This exercise is great for ankle, knee & hip mobility and stability, while strengthening those areas. The t-spine rotation is an added perk to challenge different ranges of motions that will be beneficial to your daily activities.



Banded Isometric Spanish Squat



How to: Grab a hefty band and anchor it around a rack at knee height. Step both legs inside the band, placing the band behind your knees. Take a few steps back to build tension. From there sink into a half or quarter squat, while you externally rotate against the band. This will light your quads, glutes and abs while preparing you for any lower body activity. These puppies help build happy and healthy joints, muscles and ligaments.



1/2 Kneeling T-Spine Wall Rotation to Dip



How to: Find a flat wall and drop into a 1/2 kneeling position (inside knee up with hip to the wall, while your outside knee is down). Use your hands to earmuff your head and press your inside arm against the wall. The inside arm will drive half a circle up and over on the wall then dip down to the glute. Bring the inside arm back up and over then dip down to the up knee. This is a great movment to wake up that T-spine and prep your spine/back for various positions and ranges of motion. This is most certainly a spicy meatball.



These are my funky 6 exercises that I have been adding into my training and using with some of my athletes. If you see me in the gym and want to see any of these exercises demoed, please come up and let’s get going. Give the funky 6 a try and let me know what you think and how they feel.  Get creative and go have some fun.



Cheers my mobile muscle members,



Get Moving Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Recently I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. In trying this new sport, I’ve found new strength within myself that has allowed me to set and work towards new goals which have been enjoyable. Staying in your comfort zone can be tempting, but it can be difficult to grow and improve by doing this . By stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things, this can help you develop new skills, challenge your limits, and build confidence within yourself. Recently I’ve expanded my interest in various types of activities such as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, different forms of strength training, and yoga. You don’t have to stick to these three things however if you’d like to experience something new, I’d give them a try.


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that focuses on grappling and ground fighting techniques. It’s a great way to build strength, improve flexibility and coordination, and develop self-defense skills. When you practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you’re constantly learning new techniques and strategies, which can help you develop problem-solving skills and mental toughness. It can also be a great way to meet new people and build a sense of community.


Programming different forms of strength training, such as Conjugate Method, Isometrics, or French Contrast, can also help you step out of your comfort zone and push yourself physically. Strength training can help you build muscle mass, improve athletic performance in your desired sport/activity, and increase mental fortitude. It can also help you develop a sense of discipline and focus as you work towards achieving your fitness goals.


For some reason so many people are afraid of yoga. It’s another activity that can help you get out of your comfort zone and develop new skills. Yoga involves a series of poses and breathing exercises that can help you improve flexibility, balance, and strength through reducing stress and improving mental clarity. When you practice yoga, you’re learning to connect your mind, body, and soul, which can help you develop a greater sense of self-awareness and mindfulness.


Trying new activities can be intimidating, but it’s important to remember that growth and learning often come from stepping out of your comfort zone. By challenging your body and mind you will reach new levels you never imagined. Whether you decide to try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, strength training, yoga, or another type of activity entirely, the benefits of challenging yourself and trying new things are numerous. So, why not take the plunge and try something new today? You never know what kind of growth and transformation it might bring.



Science Behind Variety in Cardiac Training

It is easy to become stagnant in your training. No matter your goals, there are pros and cons to everything you do inside or outside of the gym. I want to do my best today to give you some basic science to different styles and variations in training. Let’s look mainly at heart health, as this topic could go on for hours, and I am not that entertaining of a writer.


Resistance Training for Heart Health. 


Resistance training when it comes to heart health is often misunderstood. Lifting and heavy lifting can do an amazing job in helping reduce cardiovascular disease. Too often, people assume that heart health is only about cardio, and we will get into these benefits later, but it is important to understand how resistance training can also aid in cardiovascular fitness.


The science on this topic is pretty clear. We know that when one does resistance training, the left ventricle will become thicker and stronger. This means that the heart has the ability to pump harder. However, with any benefit, there is also a down side. As the ventricle becomes stronger, it does not necessarily hold more blood. This means that in strong individuals, the heart has the ability to pump more blood by emptying the left ventricle with a more powerful contraction. This results in increased stroke volume. With stroke volume being the amount of blood pumped form the left ventricle per beat.


In addition to the increase in stroke volume, resistance training can increase blood pressure to extreme levels. This may sound like a bad thing, yet in an acute sense this is a great thing. Squatting tends to show the greatest increase in blood pressure, with numbers over 300/200. This is great news for these vessels that are under this extreme acute load because it allows adaptation in many ways. Firstly, it can make the vessels more pliable. And secondly, it can help clean these vessels of the junk that creates issues. Yes, I know that last sentence was very scientific. Just trust me it’s good.


Cardio/Conditioning for Heart Health.


I am sure everyone has heard how this is important. Heart health and cardio are linked together like peanut butter and jelly. Kenneth Cooper wrote the book, “Aerobics” in 1968 and since then, the answer to all things heart related is Cardio workouts. While this book makes some great points, it is still from its time and is a bit solipsistic. What should be taken from the book is that cardio is rarely a bad thing to do. But what type?


HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is great to stress the heart. I believe that everyone should stress their heart intensely once or twice a week. This type of training is similar in its adaptations to resistance training. While HITT is great, it can be overdone and does create a lot more stress for all parts of the body.


LSD or Long Slow Distance training has been referred to as Zone 2 training. In simple terms, this is keeping your heart rate at a controlled pace for longer durations. With this tyoe of training, you can track it based on heart rate (try to stay under 140) or just try to have a conversation during exercise. For example, if you can’t talk then it’s too fast, and you should slow down.


The biggest adaptation from LSD training is an increase in stroke volume due to an increase in volume that the left ventricle can hold. This is where stretching of the left ventricle occurs to make more room for blood. This will add to stroke volume, and if you do this in conjunction with increasing the strength of the left ventricle, then you will be a blood pumping machine.


LSD training can be done with walking, biking, hiking, jogging, or an any machine. Again, the key is to just keep the heart rate elevated for 20-60 minutes and you’ll reap the benefits.


After all of that, I’ll finish with this basic set up to your cardiac output training. Do LSD training 2-3 days a week for 30-60 minutes. Do your strength training 3 days a week for an hour.  Lastly, add some HIIT training in 2 days a week, with focusing on just getting that heart rate over  or at 90-%.





Tentative #Powerful Schedule

Hello everyone, we are sharing our tentative programming for the 1st half of 2023 for the Powerful classes we have at Union Fitness. We are doing this to keep everyone who is in class more informed about the types of workouts they will be doing so that if they have interests in other areas then they can do that as well.


• January 1st till April 16th
Plan- Prepare for UF Push-Pull Meet
Programming- Emphasis on Squat, Bench, and Deadlift with accessories to aid those movements
• April 16th till April 23rd
Plan- Prepare for UF Push-Pull Meet
Programming- Focus on tapering/pulling back on workouts to prepare for meet day
• April 24th-End of June
Plan- Change to Variations of Main Movers (Squat, Bench, Deadlift) and increase volume/capacity
Programming- Changes to different types of bars and focusing on building muscle/increasing work capacity/ heart health/body composition/overall functionality


Monday- Squat with accessories
Tuesday- Bench Press with accessories
Wednesday- Deadlift with accessories
Thursday- Pressing Movement with accessories
Friday- Conditioning with Functional Mobility accessories


Thank you for your continued attendance and support with our Powerful classes at Union Fitness. We love having each and everyone of you in our classes. We enjoy seeing the growth of you all in your general fitness as well as your growth as human beings. Thank you again for choosing Union Fitness as your gym of choice!
If you have any questions or feedback then please do not hesitate to ask or inform us. We want to do our best to create the most inclusive training environment as possible!



Meet the Interns; Michael Dowling

My name is Michael Dowling, I am a senior earning my Bachelor’s of Science in Exercise Science at the University of Pittsburgh. Since January of 2023, I’ve had the awesome opportunity to be an intern at here at Union Fitness. For almost four years I have been going to the gym five to six days a week trying to better myself and get stronger. In the future I plan to compete in some powerlifting competitions, my first meet being Unions very own private “Push Pull” on April 23rd, 2023. I also plan to eventually compete in bodybuilding competitions in a few years after some more growth. My hobbies outside of the gym include cooking, spending time outdoors, being a cat dad, disc golfing, and watching sports. 


Union fitness is unlike any other gym I’ve ever heard of or worked out at. Not only do we get to work with the awesome and strong community of the north side, but we also get to work with Point Park University and Chatham’s athletic teams. As a young and still learning student in the fitness realm, I’d like to pursue a future career in strength and conditioning, more specifically as a strength coach. Union has provided me with awesome opportunities to help build these skills required to be a strength coach. So far, I’ve gotten to work with both men’s and women’s: soccer, track and field, baseball, lacrosse, and hockey teams. Working with these teams has been nothing but awesome. I love watching a team grow stronger as a whole and closer together as a team through working out and bonding. 


My goal as a future coach is to try to make my athletes truly enjoy and believe that working out is good for them as people not only physically, but mentally. I also would like to help any individual achieve any goal they have set out. I believe physical fitness is an extremely important aspect of human life on earth, the human body is an amazing thing and will find a way to compromise in any situation. You may be a grandparent trying to pick up your grandchildren, a college basketball player trying to increase their speed and vertical jump, or a powerlifter trying to increase their total at the next meet; you should always try to push yourself harder than last time. The weight room doesn’t discriminate against anybody, and exercise should never be seen as a punishment. 


I’ve been extremely lucky to have a mentor like Todd Hamer, who is one of a kind. When we first met, I could tell Todd was a genuine person who wanted to share his knowledge from 20+ years of strength and conditioning experience with all those smart enough to listen. He has been an awesome mentor thus far and has taught me a lot about strength and conditioning and a lot about the importance of interactions with people throughout life. Due to covid, the internet, and many other factors, face to face interactions and experiences are at an all time low. Todd often reminds me to seek out human interactions and the little things in life, even if it’s just asking your cashier or server “what’s your name, where are you from?”. 


I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be here every day of the week at union, and I hope to meet you some time. Please say Hi if you see me! 


-Michael Dowling