Tag Archives: movement

Movements for Health

I am sure most of you have heard the advice about taking 10,000 steps a day. This is great advice coming from a well meaning place. Yet, with anything that is easy to digest, it is only partially true. From all I’ve read (and it’s a lot), the real number is closer to 7,000 steps a day. The point still doesn’t change. Be more bipedal. Walking is truly what separates humans from so many other animals. Today I am going to give you a list of some movements I believe you should do everyday for general health.


  1. Bodyweight squat. Get yourself into as deep of a squat as you can, this can be done with or without weight. Just squat and squat deeper. Many will argue over foot placement, foot angle, and a ton of other details. The reality is that squatting is just good.
  2. Lateral lunge. This can be done as a lunge or a Cossack squat. Just step out to the side and lunge as deep as you can. The deep musculature of your groin will thank you.
  3. Twist. For this one I will keep it open ended. Make sure you turn your body side to side daily. Early in my career I was afraid of the word twist, this was a huge mistake. In life we have to twist and rotate. So take yourself back to elementary gym class and do some side to side twisting.
  4. Standing supported quad stretch. As a society we fold forward too often, to fight against this, stretch your quads. It is important to do this supported (even if your balance is great). The reason you should stay supported is  because when you stand on one leg,  your body will guard against you falling by the contraction of the muscle that you are putting into it. This will reduce the quality of our stretch.
  5. Touch your toes. I just said we bend forward too often. Yet still being able to touch your toes is important. Once again, go back to gym class and touch your toes for a few sets of ten.
  6. Reach up and back. Seriously just reach up and lean back. Man you will feel great.
  7. WALK.


This is my superior seven stretches and movements that will help you feeling awesome!

