posted on January 24, 2018
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: nutrition is the foundation for achieving your fitness goals. And making sure you have a healthy and nutritious meal available at all times can help you avoid those greasy quick options you turn to in times of desperation. Meal prepping not only helps you avoid unhealthy meals but also takes the pressure off of planning to cook when you come home tired from a long work day. Imagine a day with all the cooking is already done and all you have to do is pop the food in the microwave! Now I know the meal prepping can be frustrating, but here are three tips can help make meal prepping the easiest part of your fitness journey:
Buy in bulk
The best way to make meal prep easy is to always have food to cook. If you run out of food to cook the chances of you just snacking all night or buying food out goes waaay up. So, when you are at the store, buy in bulk. Buy the frozen pack of chicken or the large frozen pack of vegetables. Buying frozen also helps since it lasts longer. This allows you to limit the number of times you go to store as well as always having the food you need to cook.
Plan a day to cook
Sunday Funday! This is the stereotypical meal prep day in the fitness industry. But you will need to have a day that you can cook all of your meals. This day can be spent at the house with the family playing board games while everything is cooking in the oven. If you are trying to gain muscle then you might need two days to cook. Ideally you want to have these meals ready for times that you are on the run.
Cook meals that you will eat
This one is the most overlooked but probably the most important. I find that when people start meal prepping they tend to cook boring meals. You know, chicken breast that usually tastes like rubber, brown rice, and broccoli. Yes, these will help, IF you eat them. This doesn’t mean you should overdo it will the sauces, but do try to add some variety to the meals. Get creative with it, add some spices, maybe different carbohydrates, and bring some color to your vegetables.
Hopefully these tips take some of the annoyance out of meal prepping. We promise getting in that meal prep habit will help you reach your goals faster.
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