I began competing in powerlifting more than 20 years ago. Back in those days of dinosaurs and cave dwellings we didn’t even have RAW competitions. In 2022 RAW lifting is all there is. Times changes and either you evolve or you won’t last. I like to think that I am always open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. Another big change is the amount of strong women now competing. When I began competing there would be a few women in the first flight and that would be the it for female lifters. To be fair we must recognize the ladies who stepped up in those days, they were leaders.
We could look at the growth in female lifting from many fronts. We must admit that CrossFit assisted in the growth of female lifting. Additionally the growth of all female sports has clearly assisted in the growth of female lifters. Just looking at the women who train at UF, we had a a female win best lifter at a meet in Ohio this weekend (congrats Caroline), we also had a female squat 396 lbs at the same meet (congrats Emily).
One of the things that I am most proud of at UF is how open we are to all lifters. So many strong women train here daily and I want to publicly praise each of them. I will give special attention to a handful here. As mentioned Emily and Caroline killed it this weekend. Few people are as strong as Kelsey. Skylyn brings the heat to every lift, and every moment of her day. Katie may run 20 miles, then come in and squat heavy the next day. Ava has improved everyday that she comes in the gym. Yessie is the OG of female UF lifters. Jaci our Richmond visitor keeps up grounded in the olympic lifts with her multiple national championships. Liz shows heart at all of her lifts. Vicky is getting stronger everyday and we love seeing her growth.
As you can see we have a great group of strong women here and want to be a supportive and strong community. Thanks for making us better.