Category Archives: Life Health

2023 Push Pull

We are excited to host another in house push pull this year. If you do not know what a push pull is I will give you a brief overview. If you have done our push pull in the past we hope to see you back again this year.


What is a push pull?


A push pull is a shorter version of a powerlifting meet. It is a bench press and deadlift competition (we remove the squat for many reasons). The meet will be run in flights, a flight is a group of lifters, normally 10-15 lifters. Lifters are arranged by first attempted weight. Bench will always be first, and each lifter will lift their opening attempt. After this attempt the lifter will tell the scorers table what their next attempt will be. Each lifter will get three attempts. Once all bench press flights are done we will move on to deadlift. The deadlift is run the same way as the bench. At the end, the winners are announced based on a Wilkes or Dots score. This takes into account bodyweight and total weight lifted.


Who should do the UF push pull?


Anyone! This meet is open to all gym members and friends of UF. We have had people use this meet as an opportunity to train for a bigger meet, dip their toe into powerlifting, or even just to set a goal and go for it.


When is the meet?


This year the meet will be held on April 23rd. Lifting will start at 10 AM. Weigh ins will be 8:30-9:30.


What is the cost?


We will be charging 25 dollars for this meet. We will donate part of the money to a local charity (working on which charity now). We have donations going out this week to the Mario Lemieux Foundation, the Urban League of Greater Pgh, as well as a local women’s shelter. We are open to suggestions on where to donate.


Why do the meet?


Because it’s there! Seriously, why not come out, have some fun, test yourself, and learn!


Todd Hamer

Take It Easy

Hello UF Team!


I don’t know about you, but January flew by in my opinion. I can’t believe there’s only 1 week until it’s February. It is that time of the year when everyone is starting to focus on hitting their 2023 goals and worry about whether they are on the right track to do so.

I’m here to tell you to take it easy on yourselves when it comes to worrying about those goals. Sure, achieving everything that you had set out for yourself is a great feeling, but so is stepping back and taking a break for yourself. Just because you decide to step back for a period of time doesn’t mean you won’t hit those goals; it just means you are slowing down and taking your time to do so.

I have learned that it’s important to take mental, physical, and emotional breaks. The benefits are endless. I have listed ways and tips for how I personally take the time to focus on these below:


Tips to take a break mentally:
1. Take some time to meditate alone, and work on some deep breathing while doing so.


2. Go outside and walk, bike, hike, skate, run, swim (maybe not in January actually). The weather may be dreary, but still try to get out and move and enjoy the beautiful outdoors!


3. Put the phone down. I have recently started to turn my phone off for a few hours at a time on the weekends (during the hours that I don’t need to be available to answer our staff here at UF). This allows me to be present and not feel like I need to be on my phone scrolling through social media.


Tips to take a break physically:
1. Sleep away – sleep is so underrated. Try to get to bed a little earlier than usual or hit that snooze button (just once, maybe twice) in the morning.


2. Take some time away from exercising. I personally took a week off from lifting recently just to have a sort of physical reset. But that’s just me… Maybe you only need a day or two off and then you’ll get right back into it.


3. Going off the point above – maybe try out a yoga class here at UF to still get you exercising, but also allow you to relax, move, and breathe.


4. Get a massage and/or have a spa day. Use this to help you feel relaxed and maybe even have your muscles feel like brand new.


Tips to take a break emotionally:
1. Read a new book or a book you have been meaning to read. Disconnect yourself from reality for a little while and enjoy by reading away.


2. Try to do absolutely nothing – even if it is just for a little bit of time. I know this is easier said than done, but you never know until you try!


3. Take some time to bring out your creativity and maybe do something like build a puzzle or paint/draw something to express yourself.



I hope that these might grow on you, too, and I also hope that you have some ways of your own that you could teach me!



Movements for Health

I am sure most of you have heard the advice about taking 10,000 steps a day. This is great advice coming from a well meaning place. Yet, with anything that is easy to digest, it is only partially true. From all I’ve read (and it’s a lot), the real number is closer to 7,000 steps a day. The point still doesn’t change. Be more bipedal. Walking is truly what separates humans from so many other animals. Today I am going to give you a list of some movements I believe you should do everyday for general health.


  1. Bodyweight squat. Get yourself into as deep of a squat as you can, this can be done with or without weight. Just squat and squat deeper. Many will argue over foot placement, foot angle, and a ton of other details. The reality is that squatting is just good.
  2. Lateral lunge. This can be done as a lunge or a Cossack squat. Just step out to the side and lunge as deep as you can. The deep musculature of your groin will thank you.
  3. Twist. For this one I will keep it open ended. Make sure you turn your body side to side daily. Early in my career I was afraid of the word twist, this was a huge mistake. In life we have to twist and rotate. So take yourself back to elementary gym class and do some side to side twisting.
  4. Standing supported quad stretch. As a society we fold forward too often, to fight against this, stretch your quads. It is important to do this supported (even if your balance is great). The reason you should stay supported is  because when you stand on one leg,  your body will guard against you falling by the contraction of the muscle that you are putting into it. This will reduce the quality of our stretch.
  5. Touch your toes. I just said we bend forward too often. Yet still being able to touch your toes is important. Once again, go back to gym class and touch your toes for a few sets of ten.
  6. Reach up and back. Seriously just reach up and lean back. Man you will feel great.
  7. WALK.


This is my superior seven stretches and movements that will help you feeling awesome!



!A Comer Con Dahveed!

One of my biggest pet peeves in the fitness industry is the notion that your diet has to consist of rice and bland chicken. Why do so many people think that you have to subject yourself to this torture of eating bland and boring food? Today, I am going to give you some tips on how to introduce more sazón and excitement into your diet.


To start the journey of adding more flavor into your meal preps and meal plans, you have to start by trying to mix up your classics. Let’s say you always have chicken and rice; mix it up by cooking the chicken differently. Whether it is a change of seasoning, cooking method, adding different vegetables, or even the cut of the meat; small changes can actually make you look forward to eating your meal, instead of just eating it for sustenance.


Next, I would try investing in a simple cookbook and start playing with the recipes. You don’t immediately have to start changing the recipes of the book, but making small changes can change not only how you feel about your food, but your confidence in the kitchen. Follow the recipes and try them, then see how you can improve them to fit your diet plan. It is really fun to find a new recipe and give it your own twist! For example, I recently got a cookbook called “That Sounds So Good” by Carla Lalli Music. There is a recipe for a greens, beans, and sausage soup but I decided to give it my own spin by making it into a stew by adding extra protein and different seasonings. Let me tell you, that stew was “soooo good”. Not only did it have all the required macro and micro nutrients my body needed but I had turned it into something that was my own. Practicing turning recipes you know into something you love can really empower yourself in the kitchen.


Lastly, I would recommend trying new foods. I know that trying different kinds of food can be intimidating, especially if they are foods from other countries and different cultures from your own. You don’t have to go out to a Venezuelan restaurant and try mondongo or go to a Nigerian restaurant and eat fufu; start small, with lighter flavors. I always like to introduce people to Venezuelan food by having them try an arepa because it is easy to understand and replicate. Plus they are a very good source carbohydrates for a good pre lift meal.


I really hope you found these tips useful, and hopefully they will make your meals a little more exciting and a little more you – buen provecho!



Our Unintentional Influence on Others

As some of you may know, I play for the women’s professional football team for Pittsburgh, the Pittsburgh Passion. Last year was my rookie season and I quickly realized I was stepping into a whole new world of sports. At this level I did not realize the impact I was going to have on young girls in sports. After my last home game of the 2022 season, I was walking out of the facility and a mother with her two daughters stopped me. The two girls had their hair in double braids with colored extensions added (just the way I wear my hair every game day.) And the mom told me I was the girl’s favorite player and they wanted to wait for me to get pictures and autograph their shirts. This interaction hit me a little different than other fan interactions/autographs that our team does because they were only just fans of the team, but they looked up to me and they had been watching me. It gave me more motivation and a larger sense of purpose when it came to my role and the movement of women’s sports. I want those young girls to know I am doing everything I can to pave the way for them to have it easier than my generation of female athletes.


I wanted to start with that story because it shows how much of a positive influence we can have on people without even realizing. Somebody may be following your story, and your progress, so it’s so important to keep moving forward and realize that whatever you are doing in this life, you are not only doing it for yourself but for others too. I will give Curtis at Union a shoutout because with him announcing him moving on from his position at Union Fitness, so many members started expressing the impact Curtis had on them throughout his time here. He probably never even realized how many people he helped, because he always led by example and by being himself. When people see how hard he works and his dedication, they naturally follow.


So here is our call to action: see yourself as the force you are. We are all going to have an impact on this world, so make it a positive one. And, if somebody else is that motivator for you, don’t be afraid to tell them. They may need that. I know that my interaction with those two young girls and their mother changed everything for me as an athlete and as a person.



How I Failed You.

I was a columnist writing for for about a decade. During this time I wrote a column monthly covering topics surrounding strength and conditioning. I am proud of the writing that I had done and it was an honor to share what I had learned from my years as a coach. One article I wrote that I often think about what entitled, “Know YA.” YA stood for Your Audience. Since coming over to Union Fitness I have struggled to understand our audience.


Who makes up Union Fitness?


When people ask me what I do for a living I say I run the worlds most unique gym. We have at any time 30-100 competitive lifters, we have over 100 people taking classes and growing through class, we have around 50 people doing personal training. We also have people who come here just to use a treadmill or do some basic lifting. On top of all of this we oversee the training of more than 400 collegiate student athletes. This means we are diverse, and we have diverse goals. With this in mind I have done some soul searching and figured out one way that I have failed each and everyone of you. I have not given the basics of training in a form that could help you.


Today I will try to not fail you with a list of things you should know about training. Here are some basics that I hope helps you.

  1.  3500 calories equals one pound. So if you want to gain one pound you must find an extra 3500 calories and if you want to lose a pound then you have to find a way to burn 3500 calories.
  2. The human body has three energy systems. The first is ATP/PC and is for sprinting and lifting (it lasts about 7 seconds of all out effort). The second is glycolysis this is sets of 20 reps and running a 400 meter sprint (this can last for almost a minute and this is the one that burns). The final energy system is aerobic, this is when the body is functioning smoothly (sleep is 100% aerobic).
  3. A calorie is not a calorie. Remember 3500 calories is a pound. Here’s the rub, if I eat 100 calories of celery and you eat 100 calories of donut then we will each have a very different outcome. The thermogenic effect of food is huge. Celery will use a lot of energy to breakdown, whereas the donut has very little thermogenic effect. In basic terms this means you get 100 calories from a donut and 50 from the celery (those numbers are not factual, yet you get the idea).
  4. Muscle burns more calories daily than fat does. This is simple and often stated with some random number assigned to each. I can tell you there is not magic formula. Just remember muscle=good.
  5. Water is the single best supplement. The human body is made up of mostly water. Dehydration affects our ability to burn fat, it also affects more processes than I could list here. Remember that drink your 8 glasses of water rule, well it was a made up number. Even knowing that it is a fictional number I still recommend it, as it can’t hurt.
  6. 10,000 steps a day is another made up number. So what! The rule of thumb is still this, walk more!
  7. Whatever your goals are there are only two things that matter. First is progressive overload, do more, better, faster than last time. Second is SAID principle, Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. This is simple, the body will adapt to the demand placed upon it so make it specific to your goals.
  8. Last one! Set point theory. If you weighed the same amount for a long time then yes it will be harder to change that number. The body gets comfortable and finds its equilibrium when you have stayed at a consistent weight. This means that if you want to make a change you may need to make a drastic change in order to see the scale move up or down.


I hope this helps each and everyone of you with some basics of training, health, and generally being better.


Todd Hamer


Welcome to 2023!

Welcome back to UF for a new year. January is a big month in the fitness industry. Many people begin the year with new goals. Now the key is to stick to those goals. We at UF are here to help you make fitness a lifetime commitment. Today I am going to give you a run down of things we have coming up in 2023 to help you!


  1. Strength Project 2023. Strength Project 2023 is open to any unlimited member, or any personal training member. If you are not one of these members yet want to join us we have a special buy in rate of 250 dollars for 3 months. If you want to join then sign up as a for the strength project class scheduled Sunday Jan 8th. This is not a class but we are using this for our roster. Join us by taking 30 classes, 3 RYDE, 3 CardioLabs, and 3 Yoga classes over next 3 months. Do this and you get a shirt, enter to win prizes including free memberships and gift cards for Federal Galley.
  2. Annual in house push pull. We are working on a final date for this event. Yet, this will be open to all members and special guests. This will once again be a chance for you to either compete for the first time, or get a heavy session in between meets.
  3. Powerlifting meets. Once again we are hosting two powerlifting meets. Come out to compete or watch and have some fun. Once again Doug Nostrant will be back to run these meets for us. More info here.
  4. Teams to watch. If you are unaware Union Fitness is the official training grounds for both Chatham and Point Park Universities athletic programs.  If you want to support some local student-athletes while at the same time watching some entertaining sports then check out either of these programs.
  5. Summer Bootcamps with CeJ. Once again we will be holding summer bootcamps throughout the city. We are working on that schedule now and will hopefully be in your neighborhood.
  6. United Not Divided Workout. Once again we will be working closely with our friends from LEG1ON on an outdoor workout with four gyms involved this year. Keep your watching for details on this event.
  7. New membership. Check out our new Wellness Plus membership. Our newest membership level will go live this week. This membership will include all classes as well as one, one hour massage per month.


This is just a short list of fun ways to be involved this year. As always please reach out anytime with your thoughts on how we can better serve you.


Happy 2023!



Curt’s Meet Prep Nutrition

I’m currently 10 weeks out from my next Powerlifting competition. During this time, I always adjust my diet to fit my goals and needs for strength, hypertrophy, and recovery. Below is a sample of my day to day nutrition intake for the last few months leading into a competition. This is still very similar to what I consume even outside of competition prep, just with slightly increased protein and carbs. Keep in mind, this is what I’ve found to work best for me and my body. When I consume food, it is simply to nourish my body for performance, and rarely for actual enjoyment, which is why it is very simple and routine. I don’t always enjoy this, however, it’s just one less variable that I have to worry about as I’m focused on being the best athlete that I can be. 



24 ounces of water

4 whole eggs

Diced potatoes

2 pieces sourdough bread

Greek yogurt

10 ounces of black coffee



24 ounces of water

Crockpot chicken breast:

Chicken breast with salsa

White rice

Black beans



Pre workout snack:

24 ounces of water

Cream of rice

2 splenda packets

Drizzle of honey


Intra workout:

Granite intra workout w/ BCAAs, EAAs, Cluster Dextrin, and Electrolytes

Post workout shake:

4 ounces of milk

8 ounces of water

2 scoops of Whey protein

1/2 cup of oats

1 banana

Handful of strawberries


Dinner (Monday & Wednesday):

24 ounces of water

Taco bowls

Ground beef

Hard shells

Shredded lettuce

Diced tomatoes

1 Avocado

Shredded cheese

Taco sauce


Dinner (Tuesday & Thursday):

24 ounces of water



Zucchini & squash 


Dinner (Friday):

24 ounces of water

New York Strip or Fillet

Roasted potatoes



Dinner (Weekends):

24 ounces of water

Occasional beer, wine, or cocktail depending on occasion

Leftovers or a fun restaurant date

Night time snack:

12 ounces of water

Greek yogurt with Granola



Where’s the Confusion?

Last night Erica (my wife) and I were discussing why people don’t reach their goals. First and foremost people don’t come to the gym consistently. As Curtis wrote about recently we must not just be motivated we must have discipline. Step one is taking the first step everyday. Just arising and beginning the day with some movement is the first step toward success. The problem is that many people start and then hit a wall due to confusion. Today I will hopefully help remove some of that confusion.


Here are tips to remove confusion from your training and maybe your life.


  1. Create goals. Have an idea about where your are going. Too many people come to the gym only to spin their wheels. Set some sort of goal and be ready to adjust, yet start with a goal.
  2. Create a plan. The worst plan that’s run with consistency is better than the best plan not run with it.
  3. Overcome obstacles. I promise you that you will miss a training session, have a bad training session, or have hiccups along the way. None of this matters, just show up again tomorrow.
  4. Get your diet right. This is one area with much confusion. It should not be that confusing, veggies are good, fruit good, protein sources good, and candy not good. Do not fall into the trap of social media. If someone says something too good to be true, then it is too good to be true.
  5. Give yourself a break. No one is perfect and stop looking at people who lie for a living. If someone is trying to sell you an image then they are probably not being 100% truthful.
  6. Find small wins. Small wins add up to bigger ones. If your meeting runs late and you have to shorten your workout then do it. But still do something!
  7. Sleep and drink water. These are two of the most underrated ways to achieve any goal.


This is all I know after more than two decades of studying this information. What I do know is that if all you do is follow these basic rules then your chance of success will increase. Additionally, you’ll feel better about your health.




Cardio for the Heart-io

There are endless opportunities to engage in cardio (aerobic) exercise in our everyday lives. You could get your heart rate up by using the stairs instead of the elevators, taking a bike ride, coming to UF and using the ellipticals, rowers, etc. By participating in regular aerobic exercise, we are encouraging our hearts to work smarter and not harder. What I mean by this is that when we perform aerobic exercise, our heart is working overtime to pump blood throughout the whole body to the places we need it the most. By conditioning the heart to pump blood more efficiently while exercising, this makes it easier for the heart to pump blood more efficiently while at rest, and as a result your blood pressure will decrease. With exercise and consistent training, the heart will be performing its essential functions while being under a lot less stress in the long run. I also want to highlight a few of the other benefits that come along with aerobic training and exercise in general:


  • Lowers the “bad” cholesterol levels – exercise works to eliminate the “bad” cholesterol also known as LDL by increasing the “good” cholesterol in the bloodstream otherwise known as HDL.


  • Decreases the risk for type 2 diabetes – exercise can increase insulin sensitivity which means that the body will require less insulin to control its blood sugar levels. The muscles also extract glucose from the blood during exercise. This helps to prevent blood sugar levels from rising too high.


  • Triggers the release of “feel good” chemicals in the brain – This includes serotonin, norepinephrine, endorphins, and dopamine. These are some factors contributing toward what helps us to be in a good mood and feel mentally healthy in general.


  • Reduces inflammation – exercise causes muscle cells to release a protein called IL-6 which has anti-inflammatory effects


  • Decreases the risk of heart disease and stroke


There are so many other benefits to aerobic training, but I just wanted to highlight a few today to get you thinking about how important and beneficial it is to incorporate this into our daily lives.

