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Importance of Bedtime Rituals

By Alexa Ferri


Sleep… How much sleep did you get last night? Was it less than the recommended 8 hours? If you were asked to name three bedtime rituals that you practice every night, could you? Before we dive into a few things to set ourselves up for success, let’s talk about the importance of it all.


When we were young, our parents did something for us. We probably didn’t realize what it was at the time, but they created a bedtime routine for us. “Did you finish all of your homework?” “It’s 7 o’clock, get your jammies on.” “No more sugar, it’s getting close to bed.” “How about you go brush your teeth and floss.” “Can you read to me before bed?” All things we heard or said as a child at some point. As we grow into adulthood the structure our parents put into play, no longer exists. Now, we let life get in the way, school, work, gatherings, thoughts, cell phone screens, iPads, nightcaps, late night caffeine, etc.


We neglect ourselves from the importance of a system that is conducive to getting quality sleep. And why is quality sleep so important? Well most of us reading this are probably interested or into some form of exercise. Sleep is when most of your recovery takes place so that you can continue to train and train efficiently. Sleep is when our brain encodes new information, stores memories and allows us to make logical decisions so that we can score well on tomorrow’s test or remember our grandma’s birthday or function in any aspect of life, really.


Sleep is also crucial for glucose regulation. The pancreatic cells called beta islet, secrete insulin, and when sleep is low our beta islet cells are less responsive to glucose. This leads to other hunger hormone malfunction i.e. leptin and ghrelin thus, creating a spiraling effect and potentially leading to weight gain. Sleep is needed for a proper functioning metabolic state.


Last interesting fact, the brain’s emotional center called the amygdala becomes 60 percent more reactive when sleep levels are scarce. Something to think about when we are acting emotionally irrational with fear and rage, it could be the 2 hours of sleep we got the night before.


So, after hearing some of the importance’s of getting a good night’s sleep, let’s talk about some of the rituals we can adopt and things to be mindful of the closer we are to bedtime.



Bedtime rituals to have in check/things to be mindful of:


  • Caffeine

Did you have caffeine 5 hours ago? Maybe less? Caffeine has a half-life of around 5 hours. If you consume 100 mg of caffeine, you will have 50 mg remaining in your system 5 hours later. Be mindful of the time you take the last gulp of the liquid gold.

  • Alcohol

Large amounts of alcohol consumption close to bedtime can have an impact on sleep quality. Particularly, REM sleep. REM is the stage of sleep where we can dream, muscles become paralyzed, eyes move back and forth. REM is also important for our cognitive function. REM is when our brain’s process information and store for long-term memory. So, if you have some important events in life that require some increased cognition, try to make REM a priority.


  • Water

I feel this is a no brainer, but often easy to look past. Heavy water consumption 1-2 hours before bed is no good. Getting up multiple times per night is going to impact the quality of your sleep. Try to create a water cut off time 1-2 hours prior to bedtime.

  • Sleep Schedule

We all have 33 alarms set to wake us up in the morning. But, do we have an alarm set to get into bed at night? Setting a routine to wake up and go to bed around the same time every day, if not most days, will help create a healthy circadian rhythm for our body.

  • Exercise Before Bed

Exercising before sleep is not a great idea if you can help it. Our body’s core temperature needs to decrease to sleep optimally. Obviously, training cause our temperature to rise. So, try to limit training 2-3 hours before bed.

  • Bedroom Temperature

Your bedroom should be the coolest room in your house. This is to ensure your body’s core temperature to drop. Set it for around 65-67 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Light

Since it is 2019 and cell phones are a hot commodity, I think we have all heard about limiting screen time before bed. The omission of blue light from all the toys causes a decrease in melatonin production. You can have your phone set to shut off all apps 1 hour before bed to eliminate any temptations. Try this, as well as keeping your phone at a distance when sleeping.

Also, it is important to let your body know when it is day and when it is night. What I mean by that is, make sure you get some light exposure during the day and keep your house darker at night. Daylight is great for regulating our body’s circadian rhythm.


There it is! I hope this helps put into perspective the importance of sleep and how we function as human beings when we don’t get enough. Create a routine that works best for you. Happy sleeping everyone!

Alexa’s August Training Log

What is in my training program like as of late? Full body. Hypertrophy. Strength. Movement. I will be the first to tell you that full-body was a difficult transition for me. Just realizing that I am not going to fall apart from not isolating certain groups was a hurdle. And by “fall apart” I mean both physically and mentally. The flowing thoughts? Am I going to provide enough stimulus per session to grow? Is it going to be effective? Will I see results? I am not going to train a muscle group to pure exhaustion…what?


I would never advocate for a client to train to fatigue. Sure, in certain scenarios we want to push until we have very little left. We can’t sandbag EVERY lift. If we didn’t have those moments of training to a very close failure (difficult to actually do because mental fatigue sets in quicker than physical), but how do we know what it feels like to dig in those deep, jaw clenching, throw up moments? But those moments must be planned out strategically. We don’t want it to interfere with recovery, and most importantly training to our optimal potential, the following days to come. My training lately has been just enough to where I can come back the next day and give it my all. I feel great after each session because I hit every part of my body. Every muscle has moved in some capacity, blood moved through, stimulus was placed, and most importantly I feel strong mentally.


Here is one of my full body days:

A1. High Incline Press 3×6

A2. Ring Row Tricep Ext. 3×15

B1. Landmine Towel Rows 3×8

B2. Landmine Angled Reverse Lunge 3×12(per)

C1. Cable Lat Pulldowns 3×8

C2. Cable Triceps Pushdowns 3×10

D1. Belt Squats [w/o holding] 3×15

D2. Cossack Squats 3×10

Meal of the Week – Curtis’ Meat & Potatoes

Since moving to Pittsburgh, I’ve been putting a good amount of effort towards establishing my new routine. This includes my work schedule, training schedule, time with my fiancé and friends, sleep, and of course, FOOD! For myself, as well as with many of the people whom I’ve worked with, I have found that one of the best ways to stay on track is through establishing a structured routine and sticking to it. One of the easiest ways is by developing a nutrition and food plan. Now, I understand that we all enjoy going out to eat occasionally, and eating the same things throughout the week can become mundane, but if you want to get the most out of your hard work in and out of the gym, routine and discipline are absolutely necessary. With that being said, my meal of the week is New York strip on the grill with potatoes and asparagus. This is something that I incorporate into my diet 2-3 times per week. It’s simple, easy to make, nutrient-dense, and delicious. Part of finding what foods are best for you is finding out what foods best agree with you. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you can eat a bucket of nails and come out unscathed. I, however, am not that lucky. So for me, this meal is very easy on the digestive system, and since it is very nutrient-dense, it is a great source of fuel for the body. 


Here’s a list of ingredients that you’ll need:

Koser salt

Ground pepper

Garlic powder

Garlic salt

Olive oil

Steak seasoning of your choice (I use McCormick Brown sugar & Bourbon)


  1. First, you’ll want to let the steak sit out and come to room temperature before grilling. This will ensure that it cooks evenly all the way through. During this time, coat the steak in olive oil, add salt, pepper, a bit of garlic powder, and steak seasoning (if you choose). 
  2. Next, with your potatoes and asparagus in a bowl, add olive oil, salt, pepper, and a bit of garlic salt, then mix by hand. Transfer them onto a sheet of aluminum foil and wrap up.
  3. Once the food is prepared, fire up the grill and set to medium heat. Once the temperature is around 450, throw the steaks on the bottom rack and the potatoes and asparagus on the top rack (still in the aluminum foil).
  4. Check periodically, especially if it’s your first time. All grills are different, so it may take some time to figure out the best duration. For me, around 15 minutes usually does the trick for a “medium” finish.
  5. Grab a Landshark and enjoy (Optional).  


Lindsey’s August Training Log

I’m finishing this month STRONG in my training.


My long runs have been getting progressively longer, and taking up a ton more time. I’ve been so grateful to some of our newer Cardio Lab instructors – Rachael, Steph, and Cayt – for stepping into our popular Saturday morning slot. Having that time means I get out a little earlier and don’t deal with as much of the August heat.


My long run focus recently has been SLOWING DOWN. I’ve consistently been doing them a little too fast, closer to my hopeful marathon race pace than they should be. This past Saturday, I did my first half-marathon distance of the year, and the goal was the have it be my slowest half-marathon ever. I managed it and combined with some of the physical therapy movements I’ve been implementing before runs, I came back with no joint pain! I spent the rest of the weekend recovering and started this week feeling excellent.


My strength training has been going smoothly too (I count my blessings daily). I’m running a Triphasic program right now for my squat and bench. Triphasic as I’m talking about it basically breaks down to a three-stage program (see?): a period of time working on the eccentric portion of a lift (like the descent of a squat), then a period of time working on the isometric portion (in the hole of a squat), and finally a period working on the concentric portion (the part where you go up as powerfully as you can).


Eccentrics beat you up pretty good, so I knew my running might take a hit during that phase, which was most of August. My upper body felt strong, but my legs did feel fatigued on my interval days. Again, this was planned for and expected, so no worries there.


This week I’m entering into the isometric phase, which is my FAVORITE. I love paused variations. It’s Tuesday, I just finished a looooot of paused squatting, and know that my legs are going to feel fresher for intervals tonight than they have in the past several weeks. I’m pumped.


Here’s a peek at that workout, and some footage for good measure!


1a. Paused Comp Style Squat, work up to 5×5 @ 205 (around 75% of my training max)

1b. Medball slam, 5×5

2a. Paused Front Squat, work up to a tough set of 5 (155)

2b. Seated Jumps, 3 reps after every set of front squats

3a. Fatbell Reverse Lunges, 3×8 per with 35s, front racked

3b. Banded Fatbell RDLs, 3×12 with 35s, orange band

4a. Stability Ball Hamstring Complex, 2×10 per variation

4b. Banded Monster Walk and Side Steps, 2 rounds each

5a. Slow Eccentric Step Downs, 2×8 per leg

5b. Ab Wheel Rollout, 2×10


Meal of the Week – ft. Alexa needs to eat more micros

Hello, again. Maybe you have noticed from previous food blogs or maybe it’s not at all apparent, but I don’t eat a huge variety of vegetables. My daily staples are spinach, arugula, lettuce, and pickles (a 3 month crave, can’t stop). My other foods consist of potatoes, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, chicken, fish, and strawberries. Sure, these are great foods, seem “healthy”, and absolutely do the trick in providing the energy for my training (a main contributing factor of why I eat those foods). However, I am not getting enough micronutrients… oh yes, all of the important minerals and vitamins we need to function. SO! I have this micronutrient heavy salad and I will share the details below!


What you need:

  • Lentils
  • Kalamata Olives
  • Kumquats
  • Cumin roasted cauliflower
  • Broccoli sprouts (high in Sulfloraphane – powerful antioxidant and for cellular function)
  • Pickled cabbage
  • Shredded kale
  • Mixed greens
  • 2 Tbsp. Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. Olive oil
  • 5 grams of minced ginger
  • Steel City Salt Co. Black Truffle Sea Salt
  • Pepper


  1. Drain and rinse lentils, kalamata olives, and kumquats. Rinse cauliflower, chop to desired size, and throw in medium size bowl. Pour avocado oil on cauliflower. Sprinkle with cumin, curry powder, and sea salt. Lay out on pan and broil for 15-20 minutes.
  2. In your obnoxiously large salad bowl, throw in mixed greens, shredded kale, broccoli sprouts, pickled cabbage, lentils, and kalamata olives. Slice kumquats in half and throw in.
  3. Check on cauliflower, let it cool down and add!
  4. Dressing is a mix of balsamic vinegar, minced ginger, olive oil, Steel City Salt Co. black truffle sea salt and pepper.
  5. Add desired protein source!
  6. Feel micronutrient-ated!

Getting the most out of your training program

Part 1: Feedback

For many people, getting started on the path towards fitness can be overwhelming. You come to a new gym, are faced with lots of new equipment, don’t necessarily know the etiquette, and have no idea WHAT TO DO. We often find ourselves gravitating towards the few things we do know: the treadmill, maybe some dumbbell curls, maybe the bench (for all my bench bros). This will work for awhile, because if nothing else it’s building the habit of just being in the gym. But at some point, you may want more. That’s where a real training program comes in.

I believe that the best program is one designed specifically with you in mind. Over the years, I’ve adapted my custom program system to be more flexible and more interactive with clients. I typically program on a week-by-week basis. Why? I need your feedback.

Personally, I’ve dealt with programs and coaches that varied from providing a 12-week training block up front that we only discussed at the end, to a coach that put my workouts in EVERY DAY after reading my comments from the day before. Each style has positives and negatives. The 12 week program was satisfying for me in that I could plan out three whole months of my training life way ahead of time (I love having a plan), but left no room to adjust for minor injury or illness. I just had to guess on my own and see how I fared at the end. With my daily-updating coach, I saw a lot of improvement (particularly with my running), but had NO IDEA what I was going to get into on any given day. In addition, if he ever went on vacation or had a sick day, I would be out of a training plan (or receive it late).

Weekly updates are the middle ground that seems to have work best for me and many other coaches I admire. But it doesn’t work AT ALL if I don’t get your feedback! What do I mean by that? Here are some terms and concepts you need to know:

Provide the weights used, sets and reps completed

This seems obvious, but often gets skipped!
I will sometimes program AMRAP (as many reps as possible) sets, where I ask you to do 5+ reps with a given weight. There’s a big difference between hitting 6 reps vs 16 reps! I need to know that to adjust your weights for the following week.
I also frequently program rep ranges vs. an assigned number of reps (eg. Do 3 sets of 8-12 push-ups vs 3 sets of 10 push-ups). I want you to have a chance to push yourself towards that higher number, but know you still got in the required work even if you don’t. And it’s important for me to know if you did 3 sets of 8 (indicating the movement was difficult but achievable) or 3 sets of 12 (indicating it’s time to move up in difficulty)!
Sometimes I won’t provide a weight to use on certain assistance movements, leaving it up to you (with some guidance using the RPE scale, which I’ll touch on in a moment). If you just mark it as done, I can be missing some really valuable input. An example I often see: a client with a bench press max of 135lbs is assigned a Fatbell bench as an assistance movement. They end up using the 26lb Fatbells (so 52lbs total weight), and really struggle to do sets of 8, especially with their right arm. That indicates a huge opportunity of growth for that client, that would have been missed if they never let me know what weight they were using.
Finally, if I give you a very straightforward set and you just can’t get those reps in, that means I miscalculated or you need some extra recovery time. All of that can be adjusted for the following week, with the right feedback.

Tell me how hard it was!

It’s that simple! If I get no feedback about difficulty, I have to assume everything felt just fine. I’ll continue progressing your exercises and weights as though the previous workout was adequate. But if you really struggled with your deadlift on Week 3 without telling me, imagine how it’s going to feel in Week 6 when I’ve added more weight or increased your reps? It can be really demoralizing to miss lifts, and neither one of us wants that.
I use the Rate of Perceived Exertion scale to make it easy for clients to let me know how a movement felt. There are a variety of ways to explain this scale, but this is my preference for beginners (or those that are new to thinking about training in this way):
RPE 10: I almost died. This set was my absolute max on this day. Couldn’t have done another rep
RPE 9: This was extremely challenging. I could maybe have done one more rep, but my form may have been sloppy.
RPE 8: Very challenging but doable. The last few reps were difficult, but I could have done 1-2 more if I had to.
RPE 7: A comfortably difficult weight. I could definitely do 3 more reps.
RPE 6: Basically a warm-up
RPE 5 and below: Don’t matter. So easy.
This is the bread and butter of client feedback. If you’re doing a workout where everything is an RPE 9-10, you can imagine the following week we’re going to back off a little bit. If you’re doing an entire workout that’s an RPE 6, it looks like we need to ramp it up for you!

Videos, life, feelings
I always leave a section in my programs for general notes. I want to know what else is going on with you. Are you super stressed at work and can’t understand why training feels terrible? I can probably guess, and now know you may need a deload. For my female clients, your cycle matters. Are you knocked out with cramps for 5 days a month? You probably don’t want to max your squat at that time. Let me know and I’ll adjust for you.
Did you just LOVE deadlifting one day? I want to know that too! One of my favorite coaches always tells me to program “80% of what they need and 20% of what they want.” Knowing what you love and what you hate helps me create a program that you enjoy (and are therefore more likely to stick to).
Finally, VIDEO. I can’t be with you during every training session unfortunately. By recording your sets, I can provide a lot more information than going on RPE and comments alone. That’s where we catch your knee collapse in the deadlift and work out your weaknesses. It can also be useful to record yourself doing assistance movements that you’re unfamiliar with: I can let you know if you’re doing it totally right or very, very wrong. And you’ll only get better from there!

Conclusion? Give me as much information as possible after your training sessions. That means better training sessions in the future, that will help you reach your goals faster. It takes a little bit of extra time, but it’s worth it every time.

I’ll be continuing this series over the coming months, so stay tuned.

Curtis’ August Training Log

If you’ve been involved in sports for any extended period of time, chances are you’ve sustained some type of injury. Whether it be minor or major, most people will go through their share of bumps and bruises along the way. This past January, I suffered a substantial glute strain while preparing for an upcoming powerlifting meet. I was around 14 weeks out from the competition, so I knew I had a good amount of time to put some attention towards proper recovery before I resumed my planned training. Over the next few weeks, I focused on doing specific rehab work in order to get myself back into training. I was feeling better each week. I wasn’t perfect, but I knew I was at a good enough point where I could compete, or so I thought. Three weeks out from the meet, I tore my hamstring during what were my final heavy deadlifts of the prep. Needless to say, I was not able to fully compete in the meet.


After getting multiple opinions, I decided to take 8 weeks off from any lower body resistance training in order to let the damaged area completely heal. I focused on PT exercises, light stretching, dry needling, and other various recovery modalities. Once I was able to return to training, things felt better, but something still wasn’t right. I swallowed my pride, put my ego aside, and looked for some professional help. After setting up an evaluation with my good friend and Physical Therapist, Jared Caroff, we discovered the underlying causes of my injuries. My right ankle had become locked up from a sprain which I had suffered a few years back. I never took the steps that I should have in order to properly rehab it, so as it healed, it became “locked up.” When this happens, other surrounding areas become at risk for future injury. In this case, that area was the knee joint. So, in order to protect the knee, the body placed more stress on the much larger and stronger hip joint in order to protect the knee. This caused mobility issues at both my right ankle and right hip. My glute stopped firing and my hamstring just couldn’t carry the load on its own anymore.


Now that we knew exactly what was going on, it was time to address each area individually and then the system as a whole. The following is a list of stretches and exercises that Jared and I put together, and their importance towards my performance.


  1. Ankle flossing: Restore movement by increasing ROM, decreasing inflammation, and promoting circulation in the area: Daily (5-7 minutes).
  2. Banded ankle distraction: Increase ankle mobility by working through soft tissue and joint restriction: Daily (3-5 minutes).
  3. Standing gastroc and soleus stretches: Promote increased ROM and elasticity in areas that were limited in activation: Daily (2-3 minutes)
  4. Single leg kettlebell pass: Build strength in the ankle stabilizers and promote ankle stability: 3-4 times per week (2 sets x 10 each hand).
  5. Standing and seated calf raise: Promote strength and stability throughout the newly established range of motion: 3-4 times per week (2 sets x 20 reps).
  6. Banded hip distraction & “Worlds greatest stretch” : Improve hip and thoracic mobility and focus towards correcting hip impingement: Daily (3-5 minutes).
  7. Banded lateral walks w/ high step emphasis: Glute activation, hip stability, and coordination: Daily (2 sets x 10 steps each direction).
  8. Copenhagen side plank: Improve adductor strength as well as hip & knee stability: 2-3 times per week (2 sets x 20-30 seconds each).
  9. 1 & 1.5 goblet squat: This movement is tying everything together. Focusing on the system properly performing as a whole and establishing the correct movement patterns: 3 times per week (4 sets of 5 reps).


Be sure to stop by and ask how this approach could help you reach your goals.

Lindsey’s Morning Routine and Avocado Toast

Mornings are sacred to me. Because I work long days and into the evenings, I don’t get a ton of time to decompress at night. I actually do most of my relaxing in the AM, before heading to work and to train. Fun fact: when UF first began, one of my requests was to work the opening shift. I function way better earlier than later. I didn’t get it (but stayed on anyway), and it ended up being a good thing for me.


We’ve talked about having routines in previous blogs, and I have my morning ritual fully hashed out:


Alarm goes off at 7:30am. I search for my sad dog. Snooze the alarm for 10 minutes of cuddle time. He takes it.


Out of bed and into the bathroom at 7:40. Regain my sight (aka contacts in), wash BB slobber off my face.


Start my coffee – French press always. Drink a glass of water with a little sea salt and lemon juice. Gotta rehydrate before I start guzzling caffeine.


Now that the weather is amazing, head out on the balcony with BB. I’m working through a meditation that lasts anywhere from 10-45 minutes as you build it (if you’re interested, I recently read Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and it has been truly life-changing). Post-meditation, I start on my skincare (Vit C serum), my coffee, and a little reading (I’m re-reading and note-taking Ryan Holliday’s Ego is the Enemy currently). BB cuddles up with me. There’s always a candle going and a breeze and some plants. It’s heavenly.


By this time BB is fully awake and ready for his walk. We do a trip around the block, then he gets fed, then he goes back to sleep because he’s old. While he’s sleeping, I take 10 minutes to clean up my apartment. It’s a new habit I’m trying to build.



Notice no mention of my phone. I use my Amazon Echo for an alarm and keep my phone far away from me overnight. Only after doing some meditating and reading will I pick it up.


At this point, it’s time to eat. I’ve written about my low appetite struggles a lot recently and not much has changed. Getting something in me early in the day can sometimes help stoke the appetite fire, so I prioritize eating a delicious breakfast that’s full of both calories and nutrients. For me, it’s avocado toast all day. Every day. Seriously. I do have a special ingredient that I add, so read on:


Lindsey’s Special Avocado Toast

The What

  • 2 thick slices of good bakery bread (pumpernickel shown here, but usually sourdough)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 whole avocado
  • 1 tsp horseradish (yes I mean that)
  • Squirt of lemon or lime juice
  • Avocado oil for frying eggs
  • Salt, pepper
  • Whatever kind of fruit I have, usually mixed berries

The How

  1. Get the bread in the toaster oven.
  2. Set a medium pan over medium heat; add your preferred amount of oil for frying the eggs.
  3. Halve the avocado, dice it and scoop it out into a small mixing bowl. Add your horseradish, citrus juice, and salt and pepper to taste. Mash it up good. Set aside.
  4. Clean and cut your fruit, add to a little bowl.
  5. Fry your eggs, try to keep them separated. I do mine over pretty hard because it’s less messy. Cool to your desired level of doneness.
  6. When your bread is toasty, plate it and cover it in your avocado mash. It’ll be a lot, this is good.
  7. When the eggs are done, put one on each slice of toast.
  8. Take to a comfy spot and enjoy with coffee!

The horseradish gives it a kick and helps cut through all the fattiness of the avocado and egg yolks. If you haven’t tried it, I would HIGHLY recommend, just be sure you’re using real horseradish (from the refrigerated section) and not a horseradish sauce.


I usually eat at my desk and get started on work. It’s nice to get emails and administrative things out of the way before getting to the gym.


After eating, it’s time to get ready to leave. I have a habit of doing my hair and makeup while watching home design and lifestyle videos on YouTube. I let myself indulge in it right before heading out.


Once I’m presentable, BB gets another trip outside, then I’m off!


Hope this inspires some of you to (1) get a morning routine together and/or (2) to try something weird in your breakfast!

The Power of the Sauna

Heat exposure is not a new discovery.  Its benefits of cleansing, recovery, and purification have been recognized for thousands of years and used by many cultures. For the purposes of this article and for familiarity’s sake, we’re going to refer to a specific type of heat exposure: sauna use. The sauna is technically short exposure to high heat that results in hyperthermia. And hyperthermia is just an increase in your body’s core temperature, so don’t be alarmed! The optimal temperature of a sauna is between 175 to 194 degrees Fahrenheit. Exposure time can range from 5-20 minutes.


People use saunas for a variety of reasons, but a few of the most common are: increasing blood flow to sore muscles/joints via blood vessel dilation and the delivery of nutrients, stress reduction/relaxation, and for deep sweating to purify, cleanse, and detox the body.


I wanted to write this for two reasons.

  1. I am constantly engrossed in the many ways we can naturally recover better and potentially increase longevity.
  2. I wanted to share my findings in this blog to hopefully give you more tools to add to your routine to aid in both internal and external gym health.


FOUR noteworthy benefits of sauna use:



With sauna use comes many heart health benefits. When sitting in such high temperatures, our body requires the heart to work harder. Physiologically, heart rate increases like it would during a moderate-to-high intensity bout of physical exercise. This in part is due to the rising need for oxygen and blood flow to the skin to aid in the production of sweat. On average, most people lose about 1.1lbs of sweat in the sauna. We are told exercise is good for our heart…but why? Exercise improves arterial compliance. Exercise can aid in blood pressure regulation because of the stretch and relaxation that we progressively overload on the walls of our heart and vessels, as well as improving the efficiency of the left ventricle of the heart, the main driver. Like exercise, the sauna induces these responses. This does not mean you can nix the idea of exercise and just sit in the heat. It does mean that this a great addition to exercise, to further improve longevity, and to help us better handle stress.


Cardiovascular disease is the number one driver of death. If we can prevent this through lifestyle and behavior changes (ie. exercise, nutrition, sauna exposure, etc.) then we are one step ahead. In a pilot trial, 20 subjects with diagnosed peripheral artery disease (where the arteries that supply the head and extremities decrease and weaken), were given 50 sauna sessions for 10 weeks. After 10 weeks, the subjects showed improvements in walking, blood flow to the lower extremities, and a reduction in pain levels. [1] This study is one of many that show significant improvements in cardiovascular health from sauna use.


*Note: always consult with a doctor if you have any medical condition before introducing your body to high heat exposure.


Toxin reduction

Most of us sweat in some capacity. But, many of us do not DEEP sweat. Throughout our daily endeavors, we absorb many toxins in the environment. These toxins are chemicals and naturally-occurring metallic elements known as heavy metals: lead, cadmium, nickel, copper, mercury, and zinc. Studies have measured heavy metal levels in blood, sweat, and urine. Sweat is shown to have higher levels of these toxic elements than the others. Deeply sweating has been shown to get rid of these harmful metals. Sweating has been used for centuries to release chemicals and toxins that we pick up from day to day. So…with that being said, hop in a sauna or find ways to deeply sweat!


Cognitive health:

Heat exposure has the potential to be very beneficial for both mental health and cognition. Heat has the propensity to increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein in the brain responsible for the production of new neurons. BDNF is found in parts of the brain such as the cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, and basal forebrain. For cognitive function, we need both the generation of new neurons as well as optimal blood flow, two things that the sauna has been shown to improve.


Two studies exposed subjects to 176 degrees Fahrenheit of sauna heat, both showed a significant increase in norepinephrine levels (hormone/neurotransmitter) as well as an increase in prolactin (the pituitary hormone responsible for myelin growth- faster brain signaling). [2][3] What does this mean? Better focus.


Lastly, let’s touch on mental health. Have you ever noticed when leaving a sauna, you feel at ease and euphoric? Sauna use releases beta-endorphins, which are a part of our body’s opioid system. These are the same feel-good endorphins we receive from exercise.


Physical activity

As mentioned above, the sauna increases blood vessel dilation as well as the release of endorphins, both needed post-training. Why? Blood vessel dilation is going to improve circulation, delivery of nutrients needed for muscle repair, and a speedy recovery. Have you ever experienced the feeling of “hitting a wall” near the end of your workout? This is because your glycogen stores within your muscles are depleted. Therefore, it’s important to replenish those store. Some of the nutrients we receive via blood are glucose, fatty acids, oxygen, and growth hormones.


Sauna use has been shown to increase both growth hormone and heat shock proteins. Two mechanisms in the body for increasing hypertrophy and minimizing the muscular damage following a workout. Not only is this cool news for muscle growth, changing our body composition, and speeding up recovery, but also for preventing muscular atrophy – a result of aging, immobilization, and disease.


Another great benefit is heat acclimatization. Sauna use helps our body adapt to heat exposure making exercise more tolerable in high heat environments.


So, to recap how sauna use can benefit us in the gym: sauna use can improve heart function, which means better oxygen delivery to our working muscles. The heat exposure helps us improve our thermoregulation. We get an increase in both endogenous growth hormone and heat shock proteins. Plus, sauna use can increase red blood cell production. Another great addition to improve our work capacity.


I hope with some of these findings, we not only consider introducing more heat exposure but also, remember how important it is to keep asking how we can improve our body on an entire spectrum and not just gym recovery. If you are not a habitual sauna user, the best way to start is to go in for short 5-10 increments. Take short breaks and listen to your body. Gradually increase the length of heat exposure over time and remember to ALWAYS hydrate!



  1. Tei, Chuwa, Takuro Shinsato, Masaaki Miyata, Takashi Kihara, and Shuichi Hamasaki. Waon Therapy Improves Peripheral Arterial Disease Journal of the American College of Cardiology 50, no. 22 (November 2007): 2169-71. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2007.08.025.
  2. Hannuksela, Minna L, and Samer Ellahham. “Benefits and risks of sauna bathing” The American Journal of Medicine 110, no. 2 (February 2001): 118-26. doi: 10.1016/s0002-9343(00)00671-9.
  3. Laatikainen, T.,L. Salminen, A. Kohvakka, and J. Pettersson. “Response of plasma endorphins, prolactin and catecholamines in women to intense heat in a sauna” European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology 57, no. 1 (1988): 98-102. doi: 10.1007/bf00691246.

Alison’s August Training Log

If you talk to any coach in the industry for long enough, they’ll tell you they face burn out in their own personal training from time to time.  As coaches, we want to gift our time, energy and attention to the positive changes that are taking place within our clients’ lives.  It’s not uncommon to give so much of yourself to your clients that there isn’t much leftover for your own endeavors.  Sometimes our own training gets set to the side.  My dedication to my clients is unwavering and I wish I could say the same about my training.  But here I am, and I’m accepting that it’s just a phase in my life right now. 


So to accommodate the burnout I’m feeling in my training, I switched my focus to full body training days.  This way, if I can only manage to fit in one or two sessions a week at least I’ll hit all the major body parts. I have three days per week programmed and lately I’d call it a great week if I get to all three. C’est la vie, I guess!


Below is day 1:


A1. Zercher Box Squats 3×6

A2. SL D-Ball Walking Lunge 3x one Turf Length per Leg

B1. Tempo RDL’s [3 sec ecc. 3 sec bottom pause 3 sec top pause] 3×8

B2. Ring Rows 3x 15

C1. Bench Press 3×5

C2. Eccentric Cable High Row 3×8

D1. Pause Leaning Lateral Raise 3×8

D2. Back Ext. Oblique Twist 3x 15