Category Archives: Fitness

Small Changes for Big Results


There are few things in this world that make lifestyle changes “easy,” because there are a lot of growing pains involved.  To truly impact your weight and health in a big way, we have to change our mindset. Rather than focusing on ‘eat this chicken and broccoli’ we should be focusing on behavior that make it effortless and enjoyable. People already know what they should be eating or doing to lose weight, the problem is in the execution. Eating chicken and broccoli is a behavior that could lead to an outcome of weight loss, but if you hate every bite of that food, you’re not creating likelihood for long term success.


Where the mind goes, the body will follow


Just a few weeks of eating better and exercise can give a tremendous boost in how you look and feel both physically and emotionally. But we tend to overlook the power of our minds to create the healthy body we want. The thoughts we think have a great impact on the outcome of our health and our internal thoughts create chemical changes in the body every second. Someone who thinks more positive thoughts will enjoy a stronger, healthier body than someone who thinks more negative thoughts.


A few helpful ways to change your mindset are to practice gratitude and meditate. When you’re feeling like everything is going wrong, take a moment to consider other areas of life that are going right. Sometimes we focus on one area of our life that we may not be as happy with and forget about all the other great things happening.


All it takes is simply thinking about or writing down a few things you’re grateful for each time you think a negative thought. It could be internal, such as having nice hair, or external, such as having clean water to drink. Practicing this helps give perspective on the fact that things are really not as bad as they may seem. Insight Timer is a great guided meditation app to help you gain clarity and peace. There are endless meditation types ranging from 5 minutes to an hour.


Other small changes you can make daily:

  1. Make sure you’re prepared. Meal prepping and planning when you go to the gym will help keep you on course and accountable.
  2. Reduce your meal portion size. Use smaller plates at home or ask your waiter to box up half your meal before bringing it to you.
  3. Eat protein and fiber at each meal. Both contribute to satiety, keeping you fuller longer.
  4. Replace soda with water. If you hate water, try a zero calorie water enhancer, sparkling water.
  5. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. It will help on the days when you’re actually in a rush.
  6. Take a class with your favorite coaches at Union Fitness! No explanation necessary 🙂

You have the ability to choose which way you want to go. Do everything you can to make it happen. Don’t make excuses. Don’t wait for it to happen.


—> Make small changes daily that compound to big results <—

Workout Songs to Pump You Up


Do you look forward to workouts or do you absolutely dread them? Either way, having a killer playlist will be sure to help you power through. As the weather finally starts to cool down, it suddenly becomes harder to find motivation to hit the gym or the track for a nice workout, but we all know how crucial it is to stay consistent. So if you’re like me and want to cuddle up in your bed for the rest of the year, get up and don’t let the cold weather get you down! Download Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora or whatever you prefer and create the perfect workout playlist to get you pumped up!


Beyonce is always a go-to! – Her old stuff is great and her new stuff is even better. If you don’t have her Lemonade album, get it now! Those 12 songs will power you through workouts for months. Some of her greatest to workout to are:

  • Freedom
  • Flawless
  • Don’t Hurt Yourself


Kayne West never fails in the gym- His songs are sure to get you pumped and keep you pumped for the entirety of your workout. Anytime I do cardio or anything high-intensity, Kanye is always there to keep me going— some of his best are:

  • Stronger
  • Power
  • Can’t Tell Me Nothing


How about some oldies, but goodies? Sometimes all we need are some nice throwbacks to pump us up! If these following songs don’t sound familiar to you, just look them up… chances are you know them and they will get you pumped!

  • Sail- Awolnation
  • Show Me the Money- Petey Pablo
  • Lose Control- Miss Elliot
  • Gangstas Paradise- Coolio


You can never go wrong with a good remix and there are a ton of really good ones out there! They are made for a reason… to speed up those really slow songs that we all know and love. And what better way to get pumped up than listen to song that was made just for that. Some of my favorite remixes are:


  • You and Me Flume Remix- Disclosure
  • Pursuit of Happiness- Kid Cudi
  • Can’t Feel My Face- The Weekend and Martin Garrix


So if you are someone who dreads hitting the gym, make your active life a little easier and have a good playlist on hand. Music is a great way to distract yourself from the pain of your weightlifting or you long jog. Get in the workout zone with the right songs and power through that workout!

How to Improve Your Pull-Ups

A common goal that we see here at the gym is being able to do a pull-up.  I mean, what’s not impressive about that, right?  Hoisting yourself above a high bar doesn’t have to be an impossible feat!  Whether you’re currently working towards your first pull-up or working towards 100, here are some things you can do to help improve your pull-ups.


Do More Pull-Ups!

The first (and best) step to accomplishing any goal is to practice! And then practice and practice and practice some more. You won’t get a pull-up by just staring at that bar so ahead and get to work.


Dead Hangs

The pull-up starts with a dead hang, so it makes sense to start your training here. Everyone, even those with serious pull-up power,  can benefit from these because training your grip leads to a seriously strong upper body.  If your grip is already pretty strong, try incorporating some towel hangs or weighted hangs to really spice things up.


Scapular Pull-Ups

Since the pull-up uses predominantly back muscles, scapular pull-ups are a great movement for those having trouble activating their lats.  Your lats should be the first muscles firing in a pull-up.  This exercise teaches you how to hang with straight arms then pull your shoulder blades down your back, mimicking the first lat pull while strengthening your back muscles.



Negatives are the eccentric or downward portion of a movement and they are a powerful & fast way to see progress. Step on a box or jump to get your chin above the bar then slowly lower yourself until your arms are straight.  For those a little more advanced, try some weighted negatives and lemme know how sore you are the next day!


Partner-Assisted Pull-Ups

If you are close to a full pull-up but just cant quite make it there, go grab a friend (or make a new gym friend)! Have them assist you by placing their hands underneath your feet and apply pressure as needed to elevate you higher.  Of course, don’t forget to return the favor!


If you need help with pull-ups (or anything else for that matter!) come to one of our strength training classes or sign up with a personal trainer today! May your backs be strong and pull-ups a-plenty.

Five Fatbell Exercises That Will Improve Your Routine


We’ve been having a lot of fun in our Fatbell Revolution class lately. So much fun, in fact, that we just had to share some of our favorite Fatbell movements with you so you can join in on all the good times!

I have to admit, it’s difficult to pick only five! There’s just so much you can do with a Fatbell and once you pick it up, the possibilities are endless. Here’s our, in no particular order, current favorite five:


1. Lateral Walking Swing
Legs, Booty, Arms, Repeat. Side step and swing your way to a new & improved fitness routine. This movement can be deceivingly hard as you coordinate a lateral walk with a Russian swing but it’s well worth it! Trust us when we say your legs, booty & arms will thank you.

2. Figure 8 Swing
This swing is guaranteed to make you feel like a fabulously coordinated fitness superstar! It incorporates a one arm swing with a loop around & in between each leg. Want to get even more superstar-ish? Grab a partner and try smoothly handing off the Fatbell in between swings. In the very least, it’ll be good for a friendly laugh (and hopefully no black eyes. Be careful, friends)!


3. Kneeling Windmill
This movement is part mobility, part stability, part strength and a whole lotta badass. Combining hip hinge movement and spinal rotation creates a tough exercise that will challenge the whole body.


4. Single Straight Arm Sit Up
Can we say core burner?? Weighted sit ups can be difficult on their own, but add in some unilateral movement and that’s where things get spicy! This movement has the added bonus, of not just core work, but also shoulder stability & strength.


5. Split Lunge Swing
Just when you thought lunges couldn’t get any more fun, add a Fatbell! This variation is basically a jumping lunge and swing combined. Your heart rate will go up, your legs will burn and you’ll smile through the sweat because this movement is just plain ole fun!


Can’t get enough of these movements? Join us for Fatbell Revolution to practice these exercises and even more!
Monday: 6:30am & 5:30pm
Tuesday: 4:30pm & 6:30pm
Wednesday: 4:30pm
Thursday: 6:30am & 5:30pm

Make the Most of Your Lunch Workout


If you’re lucky enough to be working on the North Side (or even better, right here at Nova Place), we probably see you primarily during our lunch time rush from 11am-1pm. We love our lunch crowd, doing everything from squeezing a few miles in on the treadmill to Olympic lifting to HIIT workouts. It can be a real challenge working out on the lunch hour: you have just about 60 minutes to travel to the gym, change, work out, shower, and get back to work. That’s not a ton of time! You’ll need to plan ahead a little bit to get the most effective workout you can. Here are a few tips to put you on the right track:


1. Meal prep!
You might think it’s odd that we’re starting off this list of tips with (more) meal prepping advice, but in this instance, it’s really vital! If you don’t have a lunch prepared for you to eat when you get back from your workout, it’s likely you’ll skip the gym to wait in line at the food truck instead. Spend an hour on Sunday getting your delicious meals together and you’ll have one less excuse when it gets to be noon on Wednesday. Plus, you’ll have the perfect post-workout fuel waiting for you when you get back to the office.


2. Have a workout gameplan
The worst thing you could do when trying to get an efficient workout done in less than an hour is to show up to the gym with no plan. It’s really easy to spend 30 minutes stretching and “warming up” when you have no idea what you plan on doing next. There are tons of tools and cardio/strength training programs available online, but here at Union Fitness you also have access to great coaches. Strength Lab+ members get customized programs built just for them and their schedule. We’ll set you up with workouts you can complete in 50 minutes or less, so you can really maximize your results.


3. Pack your bags
Here’s another one aimed at giving you less excuses. Make sure you pack your gym bag before you head out to work, preferably the night before so you don’t even have to think about it that morning. The last thing you want is to get to the gym, get your workout in, and then not have any clean underwear to change back into for work! Lay out your clothes and any toiletries you need (that we don’t provide) the night before, and don’t forget your shoes! Since you’re a member at Union Fitness, you already get towel and shampoo service, so this process is even easier.


4. Mix up your workout with intervals and supersets

If you’re really struggling to get a challenging workout in during lunch, look into adding some intervals and supersets to your workouts. We use interval training frequently in our U.Fit Bootcamp class because it’s an effective way to burn lots of calories in a short period of time while keeping things fresh and interesting. My favorite from earlier today: 40 seconds of V-ups for your core, 20 seconds of rest, followed by 40 seconds of medball burpees, 20 seconds of rest, and repeat up to 4 times. It’s a brutal finisher that will only take you 8 minutes. If you focus more on the strength training side of working out, try pairing your accessory movements as supersets. Try to switch the body parts being worked so you’re fresh each time. A really challenging superset for endurance athletes and lifters alike pairs single-leg squats (to a box or pad to start) with single-leg Romanian deadlifts. This works your quads, glutes, and hamstrings unilaterally and quickly!


5. Make it a habit
My final piece of advice is to be consistent. That goes for everything related to health and wellness, but is especially important when you’re trying to take time to do something for yourself during the workday. Schedule your lunch workout like a meeting, and don’t cancel on yourself unless you’re in really dire circumstances. You are worth it, and it’ll get easier with time. We are always here to help, be it through custom programming or general words of encouragement.

Yoga: Your Friday Detox

Yoga: Your Friday Detox

Feeling like you need a long break after this week? Yoga is the secret to a great Friday detox routine. Many have discovered this, but have you?
Over 5,000 years ago, yoga was developed by the Indus-Sarasvati culture. The original purpose of this practice was to develop a habit of meditating. This way people could create physical strength and stamina that allowed the mind to remain calm in many situations. This powerful method of relaxation is what led to what we use today to exercise the body. The history of yoga makes it more than a meditation outlet. It makes it a way of releasing tension not only from our bodies but also from our spiritual lives.
However, the great thing about yoga is that if you are not into the spiritual benefits of it, there is a long list of benefits that can help your overall health and performance.
One of this benefits is improving your flexibility. Flexibility is extremely important because it lowers the chance of injuries and increases physical performance. Stretching can also increase the blood flow in the body and overall nutrients absorbed by your muscles. This type of coordination can improve reaction times, memory and IQ scores. This is due to the action of clearing your mind during a long period.
Through the different yoga motions and sequences, your heart rate tends to increase. This type of reaction is beneficial to your endurance and resting heart rate. As your body adjusts to the movements, these workouts can increase muscle strength on your back. This is important to ensure that you maintain good posture during your workout, especially when lifting heavy weights.
Other studies made by the University of Wisconsin have shown that the prefrontal cortex showed more activity during a yoga session, which can lead to a better mood. These types of reactions your body has can also help you sleep, which leads to being less tiered and stressed.
Now that you know what yoga can do for you, don’t miss out on all the benefits this practice has to offer not only for your physical endurance but also for a better healthy lifestyle.
We hope to see you during our Happy Hour Yoga Fridays at 5:30 p.m.

How to Break a Plateau


Plateaus happen when the body begins to adjust to the demands your exercise routine requires of it. Once your body adapts to a fitness routine, you’re not likely to see many benefits until you make adjustments that force your body to move and work in new and exciting ways. Here’s some reasons you may be stuck in a plateau and how to break the pattern:


  1. You’re unsure of what changes to make to your fitness routine
    • Follow a program that is progressive
    • Where should you make adjustments? Try changing your sets, reps, weight, the type of exercise you’re doing, your intensity, or the length of your workout
  2. Training Too Hard
    • Are you trying to push yourself from beginning to end during every workout? Your body has probably adapted to this same intensity even if it still challenging
    • If you’re feeling unmotivated or exhausted, it may be time to take a few days off
  3. You need to pump up your workout
    • On the flip side, an activity that isn’t challenging you probably isn’t going to give desired results. Sweat sessions like HIIT or a circuit training class can be a valuable departure from your typical workout
  4. It’s time to work with a trainer
    • If you’ve tried everything to bust through your exercise plateau without success,a personal training is another valuable tool. Even if you can’t afford a trainer on a consistent basis, periodically scheduling a session with an expert can give you fresh ideas, improve your form, help you strategize to achieve your fitness goals, and hold you accountable to your workout schedule
  5. You’re not keeping tabs of your nutrition
    • The kinds of foods you eat could be halting your momentum. Try using a food diary to record how you feel after eating certain meals. A few sessions with a nutritionist can also help you find the right blend of protein, healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, and carbs to create energy-packed meals and snacks to support your fitness goals
  6. You don’t get enough sleep
    • Sleep and fitness go hand-in-hand, so losing sleep can sabotage your diet. To keep the hormones that signal hunger in check. Poor sleep also means you’re less likely to have energy to make it to the gym or the necessary rest needed for your muscles to adequately recover. Bottom line: Your sleep schedule should be as important for seeing workout results as your actual fitness plan
  7. Your goals aren’t realistic
    • Keep things in perspective. Find activities that fit your lifestyle and that you enjoy doing. If you hate running, that’s probably not going to be the exercise that promotes positive change in your life
    • Before you push yourself too hard at a workout you’ve never tried before, start with a beginner class and learn the basics. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or modifications if something doesn’t feel right to you.


Remember: your goal is to overcome a plateau and enhance your fitness, not injure yourself or reach a state of burnout!

Why You Should Take Rest Days


Rest Days. Take a moment to ask yourself how many days off you take each week. I don’t mean doing cardio for 30 minutes, I mean completely off. You may be the ambitious type who’s in the gym every day, sometimes more than once. If you’re feeling burned out, unmotivated, or are not performing well, consider adding more rest to your schedule.
Here’s a few reasons why:


Your muscles grow when you rest. Lifting creates micro tears in muscle fibers that repair during rest. This is when your muscles become stronger. Yes, it’s important to work your muscles hard but it’s equally as important to give your body enough time to recover.
More free time. Hitting the gym for lengthy workouts every day is a big time commitment. It’s important to make time for other quality-of-life boosters too, such as hanging out with friends and family, learning something new, and having “me” time.
Less moodiness. Exercise can be a potent anti-depressant but too much can have the opposite effect, causing anxiety over demanding workout schedules and feeling run down.
More energy throughout the day. If you’re crashing in the afternoon or dragging during the day because you’re so tired and sore you can barely move, you’re doing too much.
Better quality of sleep. If you need excessive sleep to fuel your workouts or are unable to sleep even when you’re very tired, both are indicators that something is wrong.
Avoiding burnout. We all have limited resources: time, energy, money, physical reserves. Spending too much of them on exercise can lead to burnout. Exercise is a lifelong pursuit, and it should make you happy. Find a balance that works for you and your life.


If you’re worried about losing strength or gaining fat during rest periods, consider this: If you spend 11.5 months out of the year getting in shape, how much fitness can you honestly lose in 5-14 days? Very very little. In fact, you’ll probably come back stronger than before. Even in terms of fat loss, you can still get lean when taking a break from training if you keep an eye on your caloric intake.


Strategically training around rest periods:
Deload. Almost all athletes take periods in their training to reduce one or all of the following factors: volume, intensity, and frequency. Typically, you’ll want to train intensely for 3-6 weeks then take a deload week. In addition to deloading, it is recommended to take a full week off from training after every 3 cycles (18-24 weeks) of continuous training. Longer cycles of 16-18 weeks are often followed by periods of 5-10 days completely off from training.


During this time, make it a priority to do something completely different. Stay out of the weight room, do bodyweight circuits in the park, hike, or swim. Don’t be afraid to do some easy training every 3-4 months to give your body and mind a break, you won’t lose anything and you may find that you gain a lot (both physically and psychologically) when you come back to the gym.

Workout Wednesday – Mini AMRAP


We’ve gotten a lot of requests for workouts you can do from anywhere now that summer is here. Whether you’re vacationing by the lake with family or traveling to the desert for work, you’ll want to keep getting your workouts in and might not have access to a lot of equipment. We’re here to help! Here’s an all bodyweight workout you can do, with some special stipulations to make it as challenging as you need it to be as you go!


You’ll be doing a total of four mini AMRAP workouts. AMRAPs mean “as many rounds as possible,” so you’ll want to keep a pen and paper nearby to keep track of your progress. The only other thing you’ll need is a stopwatch!


Each AMRAP round will last 5 minutes, and you’ll take a 2-minute break between each one. The workout looks like this:

5 Reverse Lunges (per leg)
10 Squat Jacks
20 Mountain Climbers
30 Jumping Jacks


You’ll get as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes, then rest. For each successive round, you’ll try to add 5 reps to each movement. So round 2 would look like this:

10 Reverse Lunges (per leg)
15 Squat Jacks
25 Mountain Climbers
35 Jumping Jacks

And so on! This will get very difficult by the end, so try to pace yourself a bit and keep water nearby!

We love to see how you get your workouts in when you’re not at the gym, so tag @UnionFitnessPGH on Instagram with your workout videos!

How to Raise Money for Your Favorite Charity and Get Your Workout In

Living in a fast-paced world can get overwhelming sometimes. It is hard to find time to do the things that we love. Some people love working out, and others love helpings those in need. Charity Miles is the perfect app for those who are willing do both.
With this app, you can fit your workout and your passion for helping others in the same time slot.

How Does It Work?

Charity Miles connects to your phone’s GPS. With this feature, the app can track your run or walk. The purpose of this is to allow the app to calculate how many miles you have completed by the end of your workout.
Another feature of Charity Miles is its ability to connect to the motion sensors of your phone. This means that the app detects all movements, which allows the app to track how long you have been active, whether it is indoors or outdoors.

Why Track Your Miles?

This app uses the miles you have completed to donate money to the charity of your choice.

Who Funds the Donations and Where Does the Money Go?

Different companies like Humana, Johnson & Johnson and Chobani teamed up with more than 30 organizations to make this app possible, and they are responsible for donating the money allocated for each mile you walk, run or bike.

What Types of Charity Are Part of the Program?

Charity Miles allows you to raise money for many different organizations that include, Autism Speaks, Girl Up, Stand Up To Cancer and the Alzheimer’s Association.
For a full list and more information on how you can download the app visit: