Category Archives: Fitness

Winter Safety Tips


Despite the motivation that comes with every new year, it can be really difficult to get yourself up and out the door when the weather is miserable. More importantly, the recent bitter cold and constant snow and ice can make training outdoors downright unsafe. Here are a few tips to help protect yourself this winter (and a few ideas on how to mix up your training and indoors where it’s warm and dry).



Know the signs of hypothermia and frostbite

Know what you’re up against. If the temperatures outside are above 5 degrees F, you’re probably safe from frostbite, but keep an eye on the windchill. If it’s below 0, you should really consider coming indoors. Frostbite will affect any exposed skin, so first try to cover up. Second, look for signs of numbness or stinging early. Hypothermia, or an abnormally low body temperature, will mostly come into play if you’re both freezing cold and wet. Early signs include shivering, slurred speech, fatigue, and loss of coordination. Get inside right away if you notice any of these.



Dress for the occasion

The key to staying warm on your outdoor adventures in the winter is layering. Look for moisture-wicking materials to help pull the sweat off your body so it doesn’t freeze while you’re outside. You’ll also want to look for something to cover your ears and nice warm gloves – no one can run, bike, hike or ski comfortably when their head or hands are cold! This is also the season to think about your visibility on the road. As the days grow shorter, the need for reflective clothing increases. Reflective vests are easy to come by and do the job really well. You may also consider something like Yak Trax to give your shoes some extra traction while running. I don’t love these for the road, but if you run a lot of trails, they’ll probably be a good fit.



Slow down and enjoy the winter scenery

With our Pittsburgh roads looking like they do, now is not hte time to focus on speed. Move your speed work inside and when you’re out in the snow, focus on endurance and enjoying hte moment. No matter how inconvenient snowy weather can be, we have to admit that it’s pretty beautiful.



Stay hydrated

When you’re bundled up, you’re not always noticing how much you’re sweating and how much water you’re losing. If you’re going to be out for over an hour, remember to take fluids, just like in the warmer months.



Move most of your training inside

We have lots of bikes and treadmills, and we’ve even added a few more Cardio Lab classes to our winter schedule. There are tons of ways to keep your endurance up in the gym while we wait out this cold snap. For those of you who neglect strength work during the peak outdoor seasons, now is the time to get started and prepare your body for the spring. Maybe now is the time to test out one of our #powerful classes!


Free Weights vs. Weighted Machines


There are some distinct differences between using free weights and weight machines. Depending on your goals and fitness level, one may be recommended over another. Both options have a time and place in a training program and both varieties can be used safely and effectively by practicing slow controlled movements. As the weight is moved further from the body through exercise, there is more core strength and stabilizer muscles coming to play.


So, what’s the difference?


Free weights include dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells and of course UF’s beloved fatbells. Free weights in particular are going to require more core and stabilizer muscles and allow you to move in three dimensions: forward, backward, horizontally, and vertically. They also help build more balance and coordination. Deadlifts for example, are a compound movement, and use larger muscle groups, primarily the glutes and back as well as smaller muscle groups like the biceps and forearms. If you’re looking for a bang for your buck, doing compound exercises will expend more energy which means more calories and allow quicker results in building strength than with targeting these muscles separately! A few disadvantages of using free weights are that proper technique is required and you may need a spotter.



Weight machines include a variety of stationary machines in a fixed position such as a bicep curl or a leg extension. Weight machines allow you to use heavier weight and target or isolate specific muscles without utilizing as many stabilizer muscles. Machines are great for beginners or rehabilitation because there is a clear starting point and stopping point helping prevent injury. Most movements you would do with a weight machine you can do with free weights as they are more versatile! Using free weights or machines can be a matter of personal preference and it’s best to go with what’s right for you.


Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone! Feel free to ask the Union Fitness Staff for recommendations that will help you accomplish your goals!

Staying Motivated on the Treadmill


Yes, we all know running on the treadmill is something akin to getting all your teeth pulled at the dentist…without anesthesia. There are a rare few birds that actually admit they enjoy it (but let’s be honest, we don’t really believe you, you Scaly-Sided Merganser’s).  So for those of us that dread any amount of time slugging away on that medieval torture device, here’s a handy list of finely tuned tricks of the trade to stay motivated on the dreadmill…I mean treadmill.



Pretend you’re running away from zombies in an apocalypse.

Increase your pace to an all out sprint.  Don’t forget to occasionally let out an ear splitting shriek. Look behind you with panic in your eyes, just to throw off your treadmill neighbors. See if they eventually catch on.  Repeat as necessary.



Race your neighbors.

Make sure to pick a treadmill directly next to someone.  Very obviously begin to gaze at their treadmill speed. Increase yours to match. Make direct awkward eye contact with your neighbor. Increase your incline as you maintain eye contact. See how long it takes for your neighbor to begin the competition or switch treadmills, whichever comes first.



Run backwards.

Or sidewards. See how long it takes you to fall on your face. Record and repeat.      See if you can beat your previous time!



Sweat it out.

Use the treadmill as your personal sauna. Come dressed for a blizzard: sweatsuit, snowsuit, mittens, scarf, and anything else likely to keep you warm, toasty & sweaty. Make sure to record how big of a puddle of sweat and/or tears you leave behind.



Strut your stuff on the runway.

Feather boa. Six inch heels. Mini skirt. Feel free to get creative and imagine yourself as a classic Claudia Schiffer. This exercise isn’t just for women either men, of course, are invited to participate in this exercise too! Heels are for everyone so go work that runway!




Happy running!

Fitness Gifts for Your UF Friends


Christmas is fast approaching and if you haven’t started your shopping yet, you better get on it! Finding gifts for everyone on your list can be challenging, but if you know any fitness fiends, you are in luck! Here is a list of the best holiday gifts for a fellow fitness friend:



Everyone can always use a new pair of headphones and if you know someone who spends the majority of their time at the gym, headphones could be the perfect holiday gift! But make sure they are wireless! There is nothing worse than having to stop a workout because of your headphone cord, so be sure to be thoughtful this holiday season get the perfect kind of headphones! Wireless Powerbeats are have some of the best reviews, but if you can’t afford to pay too much, there are some cheaper options. Be sure to check out these sites to find the best and most affordable pair!



Water Bottles

This is an inexpensive gift that will go a long way. Every fitness fiend needs a few good water bottles to take to their workout, so if they already have one, just buy them another one! Chances are, they will use all of the water bottles that they own. Swell Bottles are really hot right now and there is always a wide variety of colors of designs. Swell also features a lot of sales, so stay on the lookout!


Camelback is another type of water bottle that everyone loves! With a bunch of different colors and sizes, a Camelback is the perfect gift! They are also very reasonably priced, so you won’t break your bank!



Workout Apparel

Apparel is necessary for any workout fiend and there are tons of options for holiday gifts! You can go as big as a pair of lulu lemon pants or as small as a pair of socks and luckily there are a lot of reasonable priced options. Lulu Lemon is the hottest apparel right now, especially for women. They have a wide variety of pants, tops, shorts, and accessories for women and men. Though the items are very expensive, you can’t go wrong with Lulu. And be sure to check out the ‘We Made Too Much’ tab to find top items on sale.;en-US-JSON;women;features;we-made-too-much


If Lulu is out of your price range, there are still some great reasonably priced alternatives. Try looking at Forever 21, Target, and Old Navy. They have great fitness sections that are very reasonably priced.



Fitness Equipment  

People who love fitness are probably looking for some equipment to assist them in their everyday workouts, if they don’t already have it. These items could include jump ropes, ab curlers, dumbbells, exercise balls, etc. And all of these items can be purchased in store at Dicks, Dunhams, or Target, and can be purchased online at any of these stores or even Amazon.


December Member of the Month: Ang Emala


Congrats Ang! This has been a long time coming. Ang has been with us for just about a year. She started with our Strength Project for the 2017 New Year, taking as many classes as she could over 8 weeks. By the end, she was ready for her own programming and started training for powerlifting. After weeks of training, she worked up the courage to compete in her first powerlifting meet and she absolutely crushed it, hitting all 9 of her attempts with PRs in all three lifts. Taking her to her first meet was one of my proudest moments as a coach.


More importantly, Ang has gone above and beyond in not just her own training but in supporting the training of everyone else around her.  She trains hard but smart and knows her own limitations but is also willing to be pushed beyond her comfort zone.  You can usually find her squatting and benching in the Strength Lab (and, ya know, complaining about deadlifts).  She’s no stranger to a yoga class and partakes in the occasional conditioning workout. And as if all of this wasn’t enough, she takes classes at the YMCA and drops into Crossfit workouts too!


The coaches here could not be more proud of the journey Angela has taken at Union Fitness. We look forward to many more training sessions with her in the future and are excited to see where this journey takes her.  The possibilities are endless!

Shaking Up Your Workout


Shaking up your workout is an important part of balancing your training and avoiding plateaus in your routine. As the temperatures drop, and you feel the need to shift your workout towards the comfort and warmth of indoors, there is no better time to stray from your go-to, whether that be running, yoga, or lifting.


Cross-training is important for a whole host of reasons. First off, rotating your workout can prevent injury. When your only exercise is running, you’re going to put stress on the same muscles and joint, like your hamstrings and knees. Cross-training helps to space and spread the stress of exercise, reducing your frequency and rate of injury.


Cross-training is also beneficial in terms of increased weight loss. Research has shown that combining two or more forms of exercise can significantly enhance weight loss. This combination can be as simple as twenty minutes on the elliptical followed by twenty minutes of cycling. This is especially important for avoiding plateaus in weightloss.


Improvement in overall fitness is another benefit of cross training, particularly in terms of building strength and endurance. This typically comes in the form of incorporating muscular fitness development and aerobic conditioning. If you’re used to hitting the mats for lifting, try a yoga class once a week; if you’re devoted to treadmill and elliptical cardio, try taking a few days to incorporate weights and strength training. Rounding out your fitness program is crucial to rounding out total body fitness and endurance.


Here’s a list of winter inspired ideas to keep you warm and your workout fresh:


Sunrise Yoga

Start the day off right with energizing sun salutations where you will cultivate a sense of clarity and peace. Alison teaches this class at 7:30 a.m. on Thursdays.



It may be too cold to bike outdoors, but adding one day of spin in our Cardio Lab can help switch up your routine. Checkout CardioLab Monday mornings or Spin Friday mornings.


Workout Classes

Whether this is #powerful, fatbell revloution,  U.Fit boot camp, or yoga, workout classes bring you together with other people to push yourself, and the instructor is sure to inspire you to bring new elements to your usual workout.


Remember to shake things up, and consult Union Fitness’s calendar and trainers for more ideas on how to fit cross-training into your routine!

Cold-Weather Running


You’d almost think the Pittsburgh Marathon was planned in such a way that competitors would be forced to train through the winter. Laugh’s on us! This time of year, the local trails are not quite as safe as the (somewhat) well maintained roads. If you’ve never been on a slushy icy trail, it’s quite a treacherous scene. You’ll likely have to crawl your way back!


If you’re a determined runner unwilling to settle for a treadmill, there’s nothing like a long run in the blistering cold of Pittsburgh. You may not be able to run your fastest, but the focus needed to maintain balance and coordination will take a lot of energy and provide a different kind of challenge that will contribute to your training. If nothing else, it will be an experience.


To make the most of your long runs and avoid any major issues such as loss of feeling in your fingers or toes, definitely leave the house prepared!

  • Wear a few thin layers that you can remove if you start to get too hot. Long sleeves, thin neck warmer and/or hat and thin gloves will help maintain overall body temperature and keep you comfortable. There’s also these new sweatpants called Feejays with built in socks which are pretty neat.
  • Sweat wicking clothing. Cotton is warm, sure, but certainly not sweat wicking! Wearing wet clothes in the cold is a recipe for disaster. Opt for non- itchy merino wool or polyester blends.
  • Water resistant or trail shoes. You can also just slip YakTrax over your shoes which are traction devices to keep you from slipping on ice.
  • Reflective gear. Winter = dark and cloudy. A lot of athletic clothing brands carry techy gear such as pants or tops with reflection in strategic locations all built in.
  • Sunscreen and sunglasses. For those rare sunny winter days, be prepared for the snow to reflect light and be a little blinding.
  • Bring water. Worst case scenario, you could always lick a handful of snow, but just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you won’t be sweating!


There’s definitely such a thing as running weather being too cold, so if there’s a blizzard or temperatures are in the negatives, stick by the fire with a good book and wait for a better day. Risking injury or, well, hypothermia, is just not worth it.

December 5K Races


Even though the infamous Turkey Trot season has passed, that does not mean that there are no more 5K races to run until the new year.  In fact, December has a number of 5Ks to run, some for fun and some slightly more competitive ones for you to try and capture that elusive PR before 2018.


One of the most fun series of the year takes place in December.  This is the “tour races.” These races are not for competitive running, but rather for recreational and educational purposes.  The tour races, led by a guide, are 5k routes through different areas of Pittsburgh.  Due to the multiple stops to take in the scenery and learn about the surroundings, you can anticipate these races taking about an hour.


December 10, 8:00 AM: Strip District 5K Tour – The Strip District has been around for many years and is a dynamic area full of shops, restaurants, and bars.  On weekends, the Strip is teeming with locals and tourists, exploring, shopping, and running! To register, visit


December 16, 8:00 AM: North Shore 5k Tour – From bridges to stadiums to fantastic views of downtown and more, this run makes plenty of stops for photo opportunities.  To register, visit


December 16, 10:00 AM Downtown 5K Tour – Downtown Pittsburgh is full of history from the French and Indian War to the Underground Railroad.  Learn about Fort Pitt, the Diamond Market, and more of Pittsburgh’s history on this tour. To register, visit


December 17, 10:00 AM: South Side 5K Tour – From the waterfront trail to historic Carson Street, the South Side is one of Pittsburgh’s most lively areas.  Runners will get the chance to learn about the history of the South Side, as well as a few of the many murals along the way. To register, visit


If you are looking for a slightly more competitive race, the Reindeer Race in Zelienople takes place on Saturday, December 16th.  Zelienople, although a little way outside of the city, is a beautiful town in more rural Pennsylvania.  This race begins at 11:00 AM.  To register, visit


Even though the weather may be getting colder, that doesn’t mean you should take to the couch.  There are still plenty of opportunities to get outside and get active with these 5K races in December.  If you decide to run one of the tour races, be sure to comment and let us know what you thought of it!

Make the Sounds of the Season the Sound of Your Next Workout


The holidays bring with them plenty of temptation to stay at home, cozied up by the fire place with hot cocoa in one hand and a Christmas cookie in the other. Avoiding the harsh weather and embracing the holidays can make it easy to skip your next workout, but we think if you bring the holiday spirit with you, your workout might just be a little bit easier—and we don’t mean by wearing your favorite ugly Christmas sweater on your run. Because music can be one of the biggest motivators for finishing a workout we’ve curated for you a playlist to get you in the holiday spirit and help you power through that run, lifting session, or whatever it is that gets you moving!


Underneath the Tree Kelly Clarkson


Santa Tell Me Ariana Grande


Last Christmas Ariana Grande


Santa Clause Is Coming to Town the Jackson 5


Run Run Rudolph Chuck Berry


Till New Years Night Hanson


8 Days of Christmas Destiny’s Child


Holiday Vampire Weekend


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays NSYNC


Carol of the Bells Trans-Siberian Orchestra


Sleigh Ride fun.


And because it wouldn’t be a holiday playlist without this classic…


All I Want for Christmas is You Mariah Carey


Whether you’re on the run, on the elliptical, or on the mats, bring the spirit of the holidays to the gym with you as you power through and avoid the holiday slump.


Happy Holidays from Union Fitness!

Footwear Matters

When it comes to workout swag, sometimes its easy to forget that function should come over fashion. Its easy to be swayed by flashy colors and sleek styles, but when it comes to running and lifting in particular, its especially important to know what you’re looking for. Keep in mind these tips for your next shopping trip and you’ll be amazed at how it can impact your workout performance.




When it comes to picking the right running shoes, two major considerations to keep in mind are your cushion level and your arch type.


Typically, higher cushion levels are designed for long distance and maximum impact protection—think half and full marathon running. Experts recommend the likes of Adidas Energy Boost  or Saucony Triumph to best support this type of running. Conversely, lower cushion levels are lighter shoes designed to strengthen the feet while running. For this type of cushion level experts point to  Nike Free or Vibram V-Run.

This being said, its important to consider what kind of running you typically do and determine your cushion needs from there.


In terms of arch type, a higher arch tends to mean less flexibility on the outside of the foot, meaning a need for a neutral shoe to guide pressure inward to support your arch with more cushion—look to shoes like the Brooks Ghost to meet this kind of need. On the other end, a low arch would mean more flexible feet. This can mean that your feet tend to angle inward, so you would need to look for shoes with high stability and maximum support, so this arch type is best suited in a style like New Balance 1340.




Lifting shoes are a part of the practice that are so important but typically ignored. Given that your feet act as a contact point for pulling the bar off the floor, having the right shoes to support you matter. When it comes to picking the right shoes, its important to look at heel height and durability.


Heel height will be a point of personal comfort, but is important to consider given that even a ¼” difference can make a noticeable difference. This being said, if the height doesn’t feel right the first time you wear your shoes, give yourself a chance to settle in and adapt before switching shoes.


Durability may be the most important aspect of lifting shoes. Consider whether you’ll be wearing the shoes strictly for lifting—in which case, you want something with more rigid, stiff uppers and little flex in the sole. Alternatively, if you do your lifting as a part of a CrossFit type routine, look for something with more flexibility to allow you to transition between workouts.


As with anything, price will always be a factor, but its important to remember that if you spend less, you’ll likely be buying more often. Here are a list of models ranked by price to consider when purchasing: